Combined display of all available logs of Disgaea Wiki. You can narrow down the view by selecting a log type, the username (case-sensitive), or the affected page (also case-sensitive). LogsAll public logsBlock logContent model change logDeletion logImport logMerge logMove logPage creation logPatrol logProtection logTag logTag management logUpload logUser creation logUser rights logPerformer:Target (title or User:username for user):Search titles starting with this textFrom date (and earlier):Tag filter:Show additional logs:Patrol logTag logUser creation log Show (newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500) 02:50, 6 June 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Provigil Kopen: Gebruik, Bijwerking en Dosering (Created page with "'''Invoering:''' Er zijn voorschriften nodig voor Provigil (Modafinil). Narcolepsie, obstructieve slaapapneu en ploegendienst zijn de meest voorkomende medische aandoeningen...") 02:47, 6 June 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Como o sono adequado e saudável é importante para a nossa saúde? (Created page with "Você se sente irritado logo de manhã? É apenas por causa da falta de sono. A insônia regular aumenta o risco de desenvolver doenças graves como diabetes, doenças cardía...") 02:45, 6 June 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Consejos importantes para luchar contra la privación del sueño (Created page with "Insomnio de medianoche: ¿un hecho habitual? Pero puedes controlar bastante si tienes una noche de descanso. Debido a sus horarios agitados, muchas personas no duermen la cant...") 02:42, 6 June 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Hur Provigil och Modafinil är bra för sömnproblem? (Created page with "Ny forskning tyder på att miljontals människor runt om i världen kämpar med någon form av sömnstörningar. De är sömnlösa på nätterna och dåsiga under arbetet. Det...") 02:38, 6 June 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Récupérez votre routine de sommeil avec ces étapes (Created page with "Le sommeil est très merveilleux et l'exigence du corps pour rester en bonne santé. Bien que le repos soit universellement apprécié, tout le monde ne reçoit pas régulièr...") 02:35, 6 June 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Lebe ein aktives Leben, indem du gut schläfst (Created page with "Fast jeder hat sich schon einmal tagsüber schläfrig gefühlt. Dieser Zeitplan kann jedoch den Alltag, die Arbeitspläne und sogar die Urlaubsplanung mancher Menschen stören...") 02:32, 6 June 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Erektil dysfunktion og søvnapnø – er der nogen sammenhæng? (Created page with "Erektil dysfunktion er ekstremt almindelig blandt mænd, der lider af obstruktiv søvnapnø, ifølge undersøgelser. Det medicinske samfund er dog ikke kommet med nogen bevise...") 02:28, 6 June 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Riconosci i pericoli nascosti dell'apnea notturna (Created page with "Se si parla di apnea notturna, si tratta di un disturbo respiratorio in cui le vie aeree si bloccano durante il sonno. Danneggia la tua salute mentale e fisica, tenendoti sveg...") 02:23, 6 June 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Πράγματα για το Modafinil που πρέπει να γνωρίζετε (Created page with "Για τους ενήλικες που πάσχουν από ναρκοληψία, το Modafinil είναι ένα από μια κατηγορία φαρμάκων που...") 02:15, 6 June 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Important Information About Central Sleep Apnea (Created page with "In terms of its etiology and effects on breathing while asleep, central sleep apnea is distinct from obstructive sleep apnea. With CSA, the brain fails to transmit adequate im...") 02:46, 17 May 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Een overzicht overBestel Modafinil (Created page with "'''Invoering:''' Modafinil behandelt narcolepsie en andere slaapstoornissen, zoals slaapapneu, die overmatige slaperigheid overdag veroorzaken. Het kan u ook waarschuwen als...") 02:41, 17 May 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page O sono adequado pode reparar sua pele e fazer você parecer mais jovem? (Created page with "Quantos métodos você já tentou para preparar sua pele para o verão? Na verdade, alguns de nós seguem um rigoroso regime coreano de cuidados com a pele de 12 etapas e vão...") 02:37, 17 May 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page ¿Pueden los alimentos afectar su sueño? (Created page with "Desde el Día de Acción de Gracias hasta el día de Año Nuevo, el enfoque de la temporada navideña es darse un gusto excesivo. Hay algo acerca de picar todas las delicias n...") 02:32, 17 May 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Undvik saker som stör din sömn (Created page with "Visste du att det är avgörande att få en god natts sömn för att bibehålla våra energinivåer och klara av de utmaningar som vårt dagliga liv innebär? Men det finns et...") 02:29, 17 May 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Guérissez vos problèmes de sommeil avec des médicaments efficaces (Created page with "Si vous souffrez de problèmes de sommeil, d'apnée du sommeil, vous n'avez pas à vous inquiéter.Modafinil France est la réponse à vos problèmes d'insomnie. Lorsque vous...") 02:25, 17 May 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Fühlen Sie sich am Arbeitsplatz nicht schläfrig (Created page with "Nachmittags müde zu sein, wenn die meisten Menschen bei der Arbeit sind, ist natürlich und verständlich, aber es ist definitiv keine gute Sache. Der Kauf von Provigil wird...") 02:20, 17 May 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Diabetes er svært at håndtere med søvnapnø – behandling (Created page with "Mulige årsager omfatter søvnapnø-relaterede vejrtrækningsbesvær, såsom overfladisk vejrtrækning eller vejrtrækningspauser. Ikke desto mindre foretrækker mange mennesk...") 02:16, 17 May 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Apnee notturne ostruttive temporanee o permanenti? (Created page with "L'apnea ostruttiva del sonno è un disturbo che impedisce ai pazienti di prendere sonno e rimanere addormentati. L'incapacità di dormire è un risultato diretto della condizi...") 02:11, 17 May 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Ο πλήρης οδηγός για το Modafinil (Created page with "Η μοδαφινίλη είναι αναμφίβολα ένα από τα πιο περιζήτητα φάρμακα, είτε πρόκειται για ψυχαγωγική...") 02:05, 17 May 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Can Sleep Aids Helps in Good Night Sleep? (Created page with "Patients with sleep difficulties often use sleep aids to avoid these kinds of consequences. Both nonprescription and prescription pharmaceuticals are included here. Normally,...") 00:19, 3 May 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page O sono é tão importante quanto o treino e a dieta para manter uma boa saúde (Created page with "Você também faz um esforço excessivo para manter uma alimentação saudável e uma rotina regular de exercícios? Mas você pode não perceber como o sono é crítico para...") 00:10, 3 May 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Manejo y comorbilidades del tratamiento de la apnea obstructiva del sueño (Created page with "El tratamiento conservador es necesario para la apnea obstructiva del sueño de leve a moderada. Los siguientes son ejemplos de terapias conservadoras para la apnea obstructiv...") 23:48, 2 May 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Quelques symptômes courants et solutions de l'apnée du sommeil (Created page with "Une vie parfaite nécessite un sommeil correct et correct. Pourtant, diverses personnes ont des problèmes de sommeil variés, et certaines peuvent ne jamais savoir que ces pr...") 23:37, 2 May 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Überwinden Sie Ihr Schläfrigkeits- und Müdigkeitsproblem (Created page with "Wenn Sie sich schläfrig und schläfrig fühlen, kann dies Ihre Sicherheit gefährden und es schwierig machen, Ihrer täglichen Routine nachzugehen. Es ist frustrierend, nicht...") 23:26, 2 May 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Nogle mundtlige øvelser om søvnapnø (Created page with "Den gode nyhed er, at orale øvelser kan hjælpe med at lindre søvnapnø. Øvelser for mund og tunge er i fokus her. Yoga og andre blide fysiske praksisser blev udviklet for...") 23:08, 2 May 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Aumento di peso e apnea notturna: conoscere i dettagli (Created page with "Se sei stato trattato con l'apnea notturna, potresti aumentare di peso e sperimentare un esaurimento inspiegabile. '''Perché l'apnea notturna fa ingrassare?''' I disturbi...") 04:26, 26 April 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Understand the Relationship Between Sleep Apnea and Pregnancy (Created page with "Being a mom is a long and difficult road. There are many alarming mental, physical, & emotional transformations that take place throughout pregnancy. This is also a problemat...") 01:10, 22 April 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Vilka behandlingar är effektiva vid sömnstörningar? (Created page with "Sömnstörningar har många symtom med andra medicinska tillstånd och bör behandlas av en läkare precis som alla andra sjukdomar. Nästan 19 miljoner personer bara i USA ha...") 07:26, 21 April 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Τι πρέπει να γνωρίζετε για το Modafinil; (Created page with "Το Modafinil είναι ένα φαρμακευτικό φάρμακο που δημιουργήθηκε για τη θεραπεία της ναρκοληψίας. Έκτο...") 23:55, 11 April 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Enkele eenvoudige tips om uw slaap te verbeteren (Created page with "Slaap is cruciaal voor uw welzijn en gezondheid. Veel gezondheidsproblemen, waaronder overgewicht, hartaandoeningen en diabetes, worden in verband gebracht met onvoldoende sla...") 23:48, 6 April 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Is Provigil or Modafinil Good for Studying? (Created page with "Modafinil is a prescription medication prescribed for the treatment of sleep disorders such narcolepsy & ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). It is I mproving wake...") 23:29, 6 April 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Modafinil può essere utile nell'ansia e negli attacchi di panico? (Created page with "Ti ritrovi attualmente a chiederti: "Modafinil... un popolare stimolante per gli attacchi di panico e l'ansia? Voglio dire, andiamo, questo è solo un espediente di marketing,...") 00:13, 1 April 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Modafinil- Regimes de tratamento e dosagens (Created page with "Genérico modafinil portugal é indicado para adultos que sofrem de narcolepsia, um distúrbio grave do sono que causa sonolência excessiva durante o dia e ataques súbitos d...") 23:44, 31 March 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Diverses utilisations du modafinil (Provigil) : un nootropique puissant (Created page with "Le modafinil, vendu sous le nom de marque Provigil, est un puissant médicament nootropique qui a acquis une grande popularité en raison de ses diverses utilisations. Dévelo...") 23:11, 31 March 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Πώς μπορείτε να αντιμετωπίσετε τη ναρκοληψία; (Created page with "Η ναρκοληψία φαίνεται να είναι μια νευρολογική πάθηση που επηρεάζει την περιοχή του εγκεφάλου...") 01:00, 24 March 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Improve Your Productivity by Using Modafinil (Created page with "You may be thinking about using Modafinil if you're seeking for a strategy to increase your productivity and concentration. Though this smart medicine may seem like a good ide...") 04:13, 15 March 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Allt du borde veta om problemet med narkolepsi (Created page with "En kronisk sömnstörning är vad en person med narkolepsi upplever på en daglig basis medan de har tillståndet. Som ett resultat av hjärnans oförmåga att kontrollera nor...") 03:58, 15 March 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Πώς μπορείτε να βρείτε μια καλή θεραπεία ναρκοληψίας; (Created page with "Η κατάσταση ύπνου γνωστή ως ναρκοληψία είναι σοβαρή. Το πρόβλημα της υπερβολικής υπνηλίας κατά...") 00:37, 10 March 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Modafinil (Provigil): usos, tratamento e dicas para uso seguro (Created page with "O modafinil, comumente conhecido pela marca Provigil, é um medicamento usado principalmente para promover a vigília em pessoas que sofrem de distúrbios do sono, como narcol...") 00:22, 10 March 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Årsager til, hvorfor du bør tage Modafinil (Created page with "En neuro-forstærkende receptpligtig medicin kendt som modafinil eller [øb-modafinil.html køb provigil danmark] behandler manglende fokus og...") 03:40, 3 March 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Enkele beroemde opties voor de behandeling van slaapapneu (Created page with "Hoewel therapie voor slaapapneu toegankelijk is, gebruiken de meeste mensen het niet omdat ze niet weten dat ze een probleem hebben. Indien onbehandeld, kan deze slaapstoornis...") 03:27, 3 March 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page ¿Cuáles Son Los Principales Beneficios De Usar Modafinil? (Created page with "Entonces, ¿qué es el modafinilo? Es un medicamento recetado que se usa para combatir la somnolencia excesiva. Fue aprobado por primera vez para su uso generalizado en Franci...") 03:19, 3 March 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Behöver du sömnapnébehandling? – Skaffa det nu (Created page with "Om man pratar om förhalning så har det resulterat i oundvikliga katastrofer. När det kommer till din hälsa finns det ingen tid att spendera. Det finns ingen bättre tid ä...") 03:02, 3 March 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Hvilken søvnapnøbehandling vil være god for mig? (Created page with "Der er talrige søvnproblemer, der gør, at du er vågen i løbet af natten; nogle er moderate og let behandlede, mens andre kræver specialiseret lægehjælp. Ordentlig sø...") 02:50, 3 March 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Συμβουλές για να επιλέξετε φάρμακα μοδαφινίλης (Created page with "Η μοδαφινίλη είναι ένα συνταγογραφούμενο φάρμακο που μπορεί να μειώσει την υπνηλία και να βελτ...") 02:43, 18 February 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Visão geral dos comprimidos de Modafinil (Created page with "Modafinil (Provigil) é um medicamento que promove a vigília prescrito para pessoas com sonolência excessiva causada por condições como narcolepsia, apnéia do sono e dist...") 02:22, 18 February 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Pourquoi devriez-vous prendre Provigil pour la dépression ? (Created page with "En 2006, plus d'antidépresseurs que jamais ont été prescrits par les médecins, marquant un nouveau sommet pour cette classe de médicaments. Oui, ces médicaments sont pre...") 01:18, 18 February 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Dovresti conoscere Modafinil (Provigil) (Created page with "Modafinil, venduto con il marchio Provigil, è un nootropo. È stato etichettato come "Eugeroico", che fornisce energia sostenuta. '''[") 05:23, 9 February 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Hur får människor fördelar av sömnlöshet och sömnstörningar? (Created page with "Av alla former av terapier och behandlingar för sömnstörningar som finns tillgängliga idag är receptfria eller ordinerade sömnmedel kanske de mest skadliga. Eftersom de...") 05:18, 9 February 2023 Hamiltonpouchar talk contribs created page Wofür wird Modafinil im Wesentlichen verwendet? (Created page with "Sein beabsichtigter Zweck, Sie vor den negativen Auswirkungen von Schlafentzug zu schützen, wurde erfüllt. Aber es gibt so viel mehr als das: verbesserte Konzentration, bess...") 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