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    Electropollution and How It Effects Our Health

    Revision as of 12:44, 4 May 2023 by (talk) (Created page with "There is a recent paradigm shift in to the age of electronics. In this day and age we have been more interested with the idea of convenience and making things inside our lives...")
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    There is a recent paradigm shift in to the age of electronics. In this day and age we have been more interested with the idea of convenience and making things inside our lives simpler. You can find new electronics released daily such as; cell phones, mp3 players, computers, cars, televisions, gaming consoles, etc. Many people are trying to match the times and buy new electronics. I can personally attest to attempting to have the most recent technology. The spectacle it generates in the T.V ads, and how it is marketed to become more convenient for everybody! Now, most mobile phones have an application that won't only offer you directions, but will navigate you to your destination. There are also several websites that you may go to, that may provide directions so that you can print out directions to your destination. The funny thing is, is that the brand new maps application on the cell phone is now occurring of us even needing to print something out from the computer!

    The age of the electronic user can be beginning to significantly decline as well. Now mobile communication devices (mobile phones) are increasingly being marketed to kids as young as 5 years old! If they do not have a cell or a computer chances are they might have a Wii, PlayStation, Game Boy, Nintendo, etc. And the ages of kids who play video gaming is dependent on this they are able to begin to utilize it, and this parents feel it is OK to expose them to it.

    All this fun and convenience has a cost aside from the monetary value. It's our health and wellness! These electronic items are actually pollutants. EMF's (Electromagnetic frequencies) are the invisible hazard constantly bombarding you. "Electromagnetic pollution may be the most significant type of pollution human activity has stated in this century, all the more dangerous because it's invisible & insensible." Andrew Weil, M.D., Author of several bestsellers. We haven't seen it and the federal government hasn't informed us properly so most of us have no idea of its existence. Just think, there were no tests done and released by the FDA warning us concerning the negative cell phone effects before they were released. The government hired Dr. George Carlo to conduct studies to see if mobile phones had a negative influence on its users. They really wanted him to prove mobile phones were ok. His findings were just the opposite! He discovered that the upsurge in cell usage has major detrimental effects on our body. He was able to link genetic damage, leakage in the blood brain barrier, cell membrane damage and disruption of cellular communication all to the usage of the cellular phone. About 80% of illnesses are stress related. Why are more & more doctors realizing the destructive ramifications of stress on the body? Stress has been identified as a major contributor to diseases. Hans Selye, M.D., D.Sc, the father of stress-health research at the American Stress Institute, states:

    80% of illness in high-tech societies is stress related.

    43% of adults suffer adverse health from stress.

    75-90% of doctor visits are stress related

    Early stress symptoms include: sweating, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, muscle tension, headaches, irritability, and mood swings. Chronic stress medical indications include: raised blood pressure, indigestion, ulcers, sexual dysfunction, insomnia, fatigue, and depression.

    Studies have shown that EMF's may also influence hyperactivity, cancer and other ailments as well. Dr's have already been diagnosing children an increasing number of with ADD and ADHD. Children are then prescribed drugs to take which have the potential to possess negative side effects which will grow with them so long as they are medicated. Children's bodies are more susceptible to diseases because their bodies are underdeveloped and their brains are more malleable then that of a grown-up. Children's entertainment is becoming more electronic based during this paradigm shift aswell. They are playing video games, watching T.V., and on the computer as part of your before. I remember when my parents used to say go outside and play. Now-a-days parents are buying their kids a Wii and they are playing tennis, and many more right in the living room! This increase in exposure to EMF's can be attributed to their hyper activity. I'm not making a causal statement and saying one is directly evoking the other. I am saying that the upsurge in exposure to EMF's can attribute to hyperactivity and really should not be overlooked by doctors if they diagnose ADD and ADHD. This exposure alone can attribute to these issues significantly. They decided that it had been very important to the child's (and adult) sake to help keep them from the harmful frequencies as much as possible. However, the USA is now adding Wi-Fi into schools.

    I want to explain technically exactly how we are increasingly being effected by the EMF (Electromagnetic Frequency). When the cell is confronted with the EMF it attempts to protect itself by going into "lock down". This means the microtubules (the tubes in the cell membranes that produce the cell able to rid of toxins and intake nutrients) close down and the cell membrane hardens. When this happens the cell is not able to eliminate toxins it harbors, nor may be the cell capable of taking in the proper nutrients it requires in order to replicate itself in a wholesome manner. If the cell is on lock down it isn't able to replicate and make new DNA. In order for the cells to replicate in a wholesome manner the cell membrane needs to remain permeable (open for waste to leave and nutrients ahead in). This cannot happen if the cell is in lock down. If by chance the DNA is not properly transferred there may be a probability a mutation could occur. A mutation is really a mistake that is manufactured in the copying of DNA. When a mutation occurs you will find a chance it could metastasize (grow) and replicate on its own. This is what can lead to tumors and cancer. An electro-encephalogram (EEG) measures the brainwaves' electricity. (If you have studied quantum physics, you then know your system contains other complex energy frequencies). These natural bio energies are disrupted by static interference from subtle EMF's. When you can discover a way to strengthen your natural bio energies, then your nervous system impulses can resist being overpowered by EMF-stress and even mental stress (in the form of negative mental thoughts).

    I'm sure we have all experienced driving later on in your car listening to the radio. Afterward you pass under a power power line that crosses the road. Suddenly, your radio signal changes into an irritable, chaotic, hissing sound. In case a power line could cause static interference to your radio signals, then imagine what living near an electrical, microwave, or cellular phone transmitter tower can do to your brainwave signals! A few years ago I worked for a Bio Tech. Co. that produced products that protected our bodies from the EMF. They also helped our body are more resilient to the effects of the strain. I spoke with customers who were living normal healthy lives and then had a cell tower put up near their homes. Months later they reported a substantial decrease in their health insurance and energy levels. In addition they described lots of symptoms that I afore mentioned as early stress symptoms. It had been shocking to speak first hand with these people since it solidified the idea that this is actually happening. However, we have been not being properly informed and warned concerning the problem. Cellular phone companies and electronic manufacturers are making vast amounts of dollars, so why would they inform the general public of health effects when they want us to remain their consumers? They want the money, that is why!

    Are you currently perhaps skeptical that EMF's really cause stress and fatigue? Well this is a way to test if EMF's really harm you. Turn on your TV, place your head with one ear contrary to the screen. And, place both hands contrary to the screen. Now, hold them there for some minutes until you begin to get a splitting headache! Then, understand that the TV is among the many electrical appliances bombarding you. (Also, some hairdryers, when held by it screen, emit EMF's strong enough to distort the picture.) I always remember my parents saying, "Don't sit so close to the TV." But, I never asked why, I simply listened and moved back. Many researchers have figured EMF exposure over a long period of time can cause health damage, cumulatively, much like cigarette smoking.

    I know it is unrealistic to say you will get rid of all of your electronics and go back to cave life. I am just trying to help you make the best decision about your (and your family) health choices. Cutting your exposure is best. Talking less on your cell phone might help. Texting more than talking helps. When talking on your own cell phone the EMF waves impact 6? into your blood brain barrier. This means the radiation penetrates your mind 6? when talking. Tip for women that are pregnant, BAD idea to place a cellular phone near your belly! Most of us received little booklets about our phone in the box whenever we first buy it. Go get your booklet and read the fine print toward the trunk of the booklet. There is a recommendation to hold the cell phone a few inches away from your head when talking! This recommendation a lone tells us something wrong is going on. Why don't they show people in cell phone ads with the telephone a few inches away from their heads? The reason is, they want us to purchase the phones, and feel safe that the phone isn't harmful. The more bars you have on your own phone, the more strength it has and Wi-Fi capability, the more harm it can do. I definitely advise that you don't sleep with the cellular phone in bed. When people wear Bluetooth all day and they are not on the telephone is really a whole another issue. The Bluetooth needs its battery. This is giving off electropollution straight into your head so long as you wear it. Each time I see a one who wears a Bluetooth I inquire further if they're on the phone (unless it really is obvious they're). Or even, I educate them quickly about how it may be potentially harmful and and then use it when on the phone.

    Another way to help is to decrease the impact. You can find products available to buy sold by companies like QLink, BioPro Technology and many more that help protect your body from electropollution. Also, upping your intake of antioxidants helps aswell. Antioxidants are such as a little army that sacrifice themselves to make certain that free radicals are eradicated and that the cells can replicate in a healthy manner. It is advisable to do your research. Instead of waiting to kill unhealthy cells (chemotherapy), you will want to take good care of the healthy cells you have finally! Create a solution and don't wait around for the issue.

    My name is Tiffany Lowery and Let me many thanks for reading. I've learned through personal experience that thinking positive and remaining healthy places you directly on the track of success! You can view my entire ezine here http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Tiffany_Lowery. The best way to stay informed on tips for alternative health and staying positive would be to register with receive my ezine updates by visiting http://positiveandhealthy.blogspot.com/. Do you sincerely wish to be probably the most positive and healthy person you know? Let me demonstrate how!