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    PR People Are AN EXCELLENT WAY TO OBTAIN Story Ideas For Writers

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    Public relations (PR) people, either working for a company or company, certainly are a good way to obtain timely story ideas or sourcing comment for business articles.

    Their mission would be to bring their client's services and products to the attention of the market. And when the publication you write for is read by potential buyers of the company's service or product, the PR people are happy to help you to get their client some mention in the media.

    The PR person's assistance provides writer time to develop more query letters, write and sell more articles.

    1. THE BENEFITS PR people might help the writer by: - Offering their clients/company's executives as you possibly can sources for stories.

    - Contacting the sources for your story and coordinating schedules to set up interviews.

    - Nagging the source if he's dragging his heels to create the date for the interview/answer your email questions.

    - Being pushy on your behalf to acquire a short-notice interview if your deadlines are tight.

    - Mediating if there are communication problems with the source.

    2. SOME SUGGESTIONS TO OBTAIN CONNECTED a) Register on online PR portals If the story in the news release interests you, or if you want to interview the company on a related matter, contact the PR agency representing them. As check here as you're at it, also mention your key regions of interest therefore the PR agency have an archive of stories ideas to pitch to you.

    b) Ask the companies that interest you about their PR representation That is especially effective you have a story idea and wish to make contact with a specific company. Usually I call the company, ask for their media relations office. Sometimes I'm sent directly to the communications/PR/media agency.

    Sometimes I bounce around the company from individual to individual until I speak to the relevant person to comment on my story and a PR /media relations person I will maintain a contact with.

    To cement our association, I send a link of the published story to the media person, with some suggestions on the sort of stories I reveal and an invitation to pitch some ideas.

    c) Media briefings, product launches and associated events PR people love inviting writers/journalists to media briefings and product launches where the client can introduce themselves and their products to a number of publications in one go. For anyone who is interested /able to wait many of these events, let the PR people you meet know. They will include your name within their media lists for when they distribute invitations on subject areas you write about.

    If you cannot attend the function (s), allow PR people know the subject/ offering interests you and may they send you a media statement. They can also help you set up interviews with some of the people involved so you can develop a story.

    d) Let the PR people find you online This point is particularly relevant once you write on a distinct segment subject. I was very surprised the first time I received a tale pitch from a California-based PR agency, considering that I'm located in South Africa.

    Upon closer questioning, the person managed to get clear she was aware w here I was located and she still thought there is prospect of us to work together.

    Since that time, I've done some stories initiated by PR companies located in the UK, Germany and Israel. Think about it this way - if your subject is universal and your potential sources have operations outside your country then there's opportunity to use iagencies outside your country. One of the major benefits is that it'll increase your capacity to create and sell to international publications too.

    CAVEAT The one major issue to keep in mind when interacting with PR people is your objective and PR person's may be in conflict.

    The PR person wants to help the business look good, while you objective is write a story that informs/educates/entertains your readers. Your job is not to create marketing /promotional material - the business already pays the PR visitors to do that. So make certain the terms of the interaction are clear, especially based on the fact that the business is a source and does not have copy approval privileges.

    Damaria Senne is a journalist and author based in Johannesburg, South Africa. She writes about the telecommunications industry in South Africa and Africa, including cellular, mobile and wireless technologies and messaging news and trends.

    Read her business related articles at http://www.itweb.co.za She blogs about parenting/writing at http://damariasenne.blogspot.com