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    7 Ways to Have More STRATEGIES Than You Thought Possible

    Revision as of 13:32, 10 April 2023 by (talk) (Created page with "Anyone who creates requires a steady influx of new ideas. Everything every created, everything ever invented, began with a little gem of a concept in someone's mind. Every one...")
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    Anyone who creates requires a steady influx of new ideas. Everything every created, everything ever invented, began with a little gem of a concept in someone's mind. Every one began exactly the same way.

    So it follows that when we don't have any ideas to use, we're not likely to have the ability to create anything.

    Here to assist you then are 7 brilliant ways to have more creative ideas than you thought possible.

    1. Use your senses. We go through the world through our five senses, and we create with them too. But often we ignore our surroundings so much that people might as well be wandering around with a bucket of jam on our head!

    Wherever you are, the planet around you is thriving with stimuli. Concentrate on one among your senses, for instance your sight, for 5 minutes, and write down all you experience, every last detail. The more you do that simple exercise, the more alert and aware you'll become, and you will realise that stimulation for new strategies is everywhere.

    2. Write lists. Ideas often come and go inside our minds, and the thing is not actually manifesting the ideas, but capturing them before they disappear. How frequently have you'd a flash of inspiration, vowed you'll focus on it later, and then completely forget it moment afterwards?

    Writing lists firstly is a method of recording those ideas the moment they occur, however the added benefit is that after you have several items in a list, your mind naturally wants to add more. Plus you're creativity will start looking at different things in your list and means of combining or cross pollinating them. An extremely powerful idea breeding ground. Check it out!

    3. Read a range of materials. If you browse the same magazines, articles, websites and books, then although you're getting new content, it's apt to be in a very similar style and tone to that you've already seen. So after a few years, its capability to stimulate new thoughts in you'll diminish and eventually dry up. Which isn't very useful for generating new ideas.

    There's an easy solution. Read a range of materials, and especially in areas you've never read before. Try a gardening magazine, a carpentry blog, a biography of a racing driver, or a novel occur 14th century Japan. Find stuff that's very new to you, and it will instantly stir up new connections and ideas in your thoughts.

    4. more info . When we visit the same places the complete time, travel the same routes to work, or college or to our favourite haunts, we can become blind to everything around us. It's as if we travel on autopilot and become immune to any fresh stimulation.

    An obvious remedy would be to search for a few new places, where your mind and senses are going to automatically become more alive, due to different surroundings. Better still, take a camera, sketchbook or notebook and record everything that interests you. New ideas will be triggered left, right and centre.

    5. Write freeform, edit later. Sometimes the very best ideas aren't directly on the top, beautifully formed and waiting to be plucked such as a fresh juicy peach on a low branch of the tree. Sometimes the best ideas take a little bit of probing, just a little digging up.

    A great way to do that is to just write freeform about anything you wish to. Even if your first few lines seem boring, and even nonsense, keep writing non-stop for at the very least 10 minutes. As you go, you'll find your creative mind going off at intriguing tangents that may spur exciting new thoughts and ideas. Then, simply pluck out the very best bits and expand them into new creative projects.

    6. Keep an ideas journal. Your brain is just as with the capacity of having an endless supply of creative ideas as the next person, but sometimes it could not fee like that. The main reason is nearly always you are not capturing the ideas you do have.

    Get a simple notebook or journal to become your Ideas Journal. Each time you have a good idea, write it down. The more you utilize the journal, the more ideas you'll notice. An added bonus is the ideas you record will magically begin to grow, when you return to them you'll find all sort of offshoot thoughts appearing too. Start your opinions Journal today!

    7. Believe you're capable of having ideas. This is crucial. If you're on offer with an inner monologue that goes something similar to: "I'm not creative, I Do not have any good ideas" then guess what? You'll never have any good ideas! By believing you're creative, you greatly increase the frequency of ideas you have.

    Here's a simple way to prove you're creative. Imagine a little boy called Peter, who wears blue shorts and has a magic horse. Now I guarantee you've already pictured Peter and his horse in your mind, and so are wondering what he's like, why the horse is magic and what adventures they might get up to. Am I right? See! You're a lot more creative than you think, believe in yourself as well as your creativity!

    These are 7 methods to have more creative ideas than you thought possible. Which tip are you going to pick and put to utilize first?

    Ready to become more creative? Then register with "Create Create!" - Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin's free twice monthly ezine - today, and get your free copy of the "Explode Your Creativity!" Action Workbook. Just head over to http://www.coachcreative.com