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    What Every Man Needs to Know About Sexual Health

    Here's one fact no one can really disagree on: sex can be an important section of life. Because of external genitalia, men may begin thinking about sex before puberty ever hits, and it's a primal thought until their dying breath. Sexual health (SH), then, is an important part of living a wholesome life. But is SH just the hormone-driven function humans optimize to keep the species, or it really is something more? Is penis health really the only necessity there? What else does it give to men, and how does SH impact them? Are libido and erectile function the only ingredients would have to be sexually healthy, or will there be more to it? Is SH defined by the absence of erection dysfunction (ED)? Let's examine what SH is and precisely how complex it really is.

    WHAT'S Sexual Health(SH)?

    SH is a state of well-being, or general health, that empowers a guy to totally enjoy and take part in sexual activity. This includes several factors such as for example physical, psychological, interpersonal, and social factors. SH does not exclusively mean penis health, that is an important section of SH, but definitely not the only section of it.

    How Physical Health Influences Sexual Health(SH)

    Let's start out with inarguably the largest influencer on SH, physical health. There are limitless factors physically that can inhibit a man's sexual function; however, there are also limitless ways of enhance it.

    Here are just some of the disease states that can negatively impact a man's SH:

    1) Heart Disease - Since erections are fueled by blood circulation, those diseases that impede it, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, and heart disease in general, can put an end to frisky Friday nights.

    2) Obesity - Obesity usually runs hand-in-hand with cardiovascular disease and diabetes, the boner killers of the existing age. Obesity can also affect stamina and ability together with have psychological impacts which will be discussed within the next section. It can also decrease a man's fertility.

    3) Diabetes - Men who've type 2 diabetes have an increased risk of ED due to the nerve and blood vessel damage the disease causes. Therefore, erections tend to be more difficult to get and keep maintaining.

    4) Cancer - Prostate and testicular cancers could cause swelling that makes getting an erection difficult or painful. Also, some medications used to treat the cancers can cause ED. Testicular cancer in particular can lead to infertility if one or both testicles requires removal.

    5) Peyronie's Disease - Men who experience high levels of repeated penile trauma could have scar tissue formation in the penis. If that scar tissue formation builds up an excessive amount of, it will result in a painful bend in the penis. If the bend is 15 percent or greater, the man might have Peyronie's. This can render a man struggling to have an erection or it just could be too painful to possess one and/or enjoy intercourse.

    6) Low Testosterone - As men age, their testosterone levels dip, which can cause them to experience reduced libido in addition to reduced sperm fertility. A test can easily show if testosterone is low.

    How Psychological Health Influences Sexual Health(SH)

    Some men might not realize just how much psychological or mental health can impact SH. Things like stress, anxiety, and depression can all greatly impact what sort of man functions sexually, but it is important to note that every man differs.

    Depression can affect a man's libido. He may not need sex because he's depressed. He may feel bad about himself, how he looks, or how he thinks he performs sexually. Some medications used to take care of depression can also cause a man to lose his erection because they modify hormone levels. Obesity has also been associated with depression because of delicate self-esteem and self-confidence issues. Thankfully, there are various medication options, so a guy doesn't have to choose between happiness and sex.

    Anxiety, be it general or specific, may also compromise a man's SH. He may have performance anxiety, which results within an inability to get an erection, or he may prematurely ejaculate. Often, talk therapy and medication are a good idea. Stress also has similar effects on a man's SH, which can add a lower libido but can also influence a higher libido when sex is used as the only outlet for stress release. Interpersonal relations also greatly impact mental health, which, in turn, impacts SH.

    How to Improve Sexual Health

    In addition to regular checkups, a healthy diet, and exercise, men should employ a number of other ways of ensure a clean bill of sexual health. Be sure you stay alert to any new physical bumps, lumps, or pains. Will have in-depth pre-sex talks with new and existing partners. Create and keep maintaining healthy social relationships to make a support circle of fun, caring, and informed friends.

    In terms of penis health, be sure you have an everyday penis health regimen set up that includes the required time in the air to decompress and a grooming regimen which includes some manscaping and daily washing. Men who wish to really improve and protect their penis health should use a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which includes been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to help keep the penis strong, vital, and healthy. A cr�me like this with vitamins A, B, C, D, and E supplies the member with essential nutrients for stronger erections and smooth, supple skin.