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    Spiritual Leaders Must Understand Clearly What Jesus Christ Teaches Regarding Israel and Jerusalem

    Luke Chapter 21 can be quite a difficult Chapter to learn and study. What is Jesus actually talking about and what does He really mean when He speaks these words to His disciples? This Chapter also deals with the area of Israel, and the importance of Israel, in the plans and purposes and economy of God. Our understanding of Israel is crucially important. This is usually a longer study because there is no way this passage could be divided. Read it most carefully and know very well what Jesus is revealing.

    After speaking about the danger of deception, wars and revolutions, natural disasters and increased suffering as consequence, and persecution and using such times as opportunities to witness and testify, Jesus speaks about armies surrounding and overthrowing Jerusalem.

    All of this happened, some thirty years later and we know that those who fled when Rome overrun Jerusalem were saved from onslaught.

    It pays to provide heed and focus on the prophetic words of Jesus. Their lives depended upon acting upon the words of Jesus.

    Verse 24. We read of Jerusalem being trampled. That indicates that it's out of Divine order. God never means anything to be trampled upon. All this was fulfilled literally. Observe that word 'until'. We often see this in prophecy. Such and such a thing will happen 'until'. You will see a scattering of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, 'until'.

    In verse 29, we read of the fig tree reappearing and growing in its own soil; growing in its land and coming into leaf. The fig tree. as a symbol of Israel, reappeared in 1948, having been absent for just two 2,000 years. We can not go into all the details here. There are various excellent books with this. Lance Lambert and Derek Prince and David Pawson explain all this, most thoroughly and comprehensively. Then in 1967, Israel started to re-govern Jerusalem for the first time in 2,000 years and the trampling was over. We Gentiles had trampled over that city and 2,000 years is a long time.

    We want things to happen inside a fortnight or 8 weeks, and certainly within 2 yrs. For Israel, she had to hold back 2,000 years, but God brought her back.

    Jerusalem always flourishes under Jewish control, and languishes under Gentile control. You merely need to look at photographs of Jerusalem before 1967 and after 1967. You'll not think it had been the same city.

    Now, from what Jesus says, the liberation of Jerusalem from Gentile control and domination points to the close return of Christ.

    Once the fig tree, or any tree, sprouts leaves, it really is springtime and you understand that summer is near. It is not yet summer, but summer is around the corner. When Israel reappears you understand that the Coming Again of Jesus Christ is near. It will not happen just yet, but it will happen soon.

    Verse 22. Enough time of punishment has ended. Note that it is Jesus Who uses the term 'punishment' and 'wrath' in verse 23, and 'perplexity' in verse 25. Perplexity means 'no way out'.

    Anguish, fainting and fear - are all central themes as Jesus speaks to the disciples, and because He is talking about His Coming Again, He tells the disciples to operate and 'lift up your heads', and know. Don't doubt or wonder or question. God wants us to learn. There are specific truths which God wants us to know and have a clear understanding.

    There exists a parallel here. In the same way very few believed Jesus about the destruction of Jerusalem, so a comparatively few people, even within church circles, believe what Jesus says here regarding His Coming Again. This is where Jesus issues another warning. Jesus issues warnings!

    Be careful or your hearts will undoubtedly be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness, and the anxieties of life, and that day will close in you unexpectedly like a trap.

    Don't overload. Watch your step. Don't surrender to indulgence. Basically, discipline yourself. How terrible it could be, if on that day when Jesus Christ comes again, we were not ready for His coming, and we were caught unawares, and taken by surprise.

    Jesus says, watch and pray, so that you can stand prior to the Son of Man. Be alert and prayerful. Be familiar with everything that is being conducted around you.

    Jesus is giving His disciples all this for a purpose; so that we will know very well what is going on on earth and not be deceived or afraid, and so that we will not be used by false prophets or follow false Christs, and so that we will not be swayed and over- influenced by current trends fashions values and standards. This will keep us from giving in to certain pressures to compromise.

    Jesus is quite clear, very precise, and very practical, also it always pays to cover attention to the words of Jesus.

    It is significant that this teaching is recorded in Matthew and Mark too.

    The other day that question arose which is answered in Zechariah Chapter 12, and I ask you to read that Chapter too in this connection and understand the importance of what Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is saying.

    All of the nations of the earth will be gathered against Jerusalem. 3 x he says this. Jerusalem is going to occupy a central put on the world's stage. It will be a center point of controversy, conflict, and war. Its status and destiny can be a cup of wine into which includes been poured a poison, and anyone who meddles with Jerusalem will see they poison themselves and paralyse themselves. It'll be just like a heavy stone, which should they attempt to lift it, the effect will be that they rupture themselves, and their lifting days are over.

    God will pour out a spirit of grace and supplication, and they'll "look on me, the main one they have pierced". Jesus Christ may be the key to all of this.

    Yes, this is a more difficult Chapter nonetheless it is worth all the serious study. Do you recall my saying many months ago that people suggest that if only the Church would stick to and keep to what and teaching of Jesus? Well, they are the words of Jesus.

    Sandy Shaw

    Sandy Shaw is Pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship, Chaplain at Inverness Prison, and Nairn Academy, and serves on The Children's Panel in Scotland, and contains travelled extensively over these past years teaching, speaking, in the us, Canada, South Africa, Australia, making 12 visits to Israel conducting Tours and Pilgrimages, & most recently in Uganda and Kenya, ministering at Pastors and Leaders Seminars, in the poor areas surrounding Kampala, Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu. He broadcasts regularly on WSHO radio out of New Orleans, and writes a weekly commentary at http://www.studylight.org entitled "Word from Scotland" on various biblical themes, in addition to a weekly newspaper column.

    His M.A. and B.D. degrees are from The University of Edinburgh, and he continues to run and exercise regularly to keep up a level of physical fitness.