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    Raw Food Diet When How Did Raw Foods Come About

    Is the Raw Food Diet a new fad or trend that is seeping into Asia like the latest fashion statement? Well, I was never a fan of History, BUT I'm definitely 1 curious cat. And because I am still alive (as part of your!), let's explore some facts & research on the annals of Raw Food, its Evolution & Place in Humanity. Now mind you, there exists a TONNE of information, sometimes conflicting, with this topic that may knock out even a seasoned reader. And how do you deal with it? Simple - I simply look at facts, research done by professionals & recognized Institutes, and also actual living examples. And of course I paid attention to my body to see what works for me. It is pretty easy actually!

    Humans are suffering from degenerative diseases generations after generations. In the latest decade, it seems to be getting out of hand. I have always noticed & be disturbed at the endless struggle with new, unheard of diseases & ailments while our scientists furiously invent new "pills & drugs" for cure....

    Before History on Raw Food was documented, there have been some evidence from countries like Iran & India where early communities ate & thrived on raw vegan foods... Humans only learned & began to cook after they discovered fire, and we also are actually the only species to cook our food.

    Hippocrates was students at "Mathematikoi" (a religious & philosophical school founded by Phythagoras where all students were necessary to be vegetarians), and Hipporates is a well-known figure (the daddy of Medicine). From research, both Hippocrates & Phythagoras were believed to have eaten a primary raw vegan diet.

    In 1930, Dr Paul Kouchakoff (from the Institute of Clinical Chemistry in Lausanne, Switzerland) proved a body condition known as "Digestive Leukocytosis". This is the reaction where white blood cells within the body increase immediately, and is produced only once cooked foods are eaten. When natural & unheated plants are eaten, Leukocytosis didn't occur. And what is this Leukocytosis highly relevant to? This is actually, a stress response made by the body when it is invaded by a dangerous pathogen (ie. a harmful virus) or trauma.

    In 1933, Forbes EB wrote a paper saying that "Cooking renders food pasty, in order that it sticks to one's teeth, and undergoes acid fermentation..." His paper linked the consumption of cooked food to dental degeneration.

    In 1936, dentist Weston A Prince also observed the latter amongst an evolving generation which abandoned unadulterated nutrient dense foods for nutrient- void processed foods. That was coincidentally a newbie period of civilization for humanity.

    In 1941, Dr. Edward Howell, an Illinois physician, wrote Food Enzymes for Health & Longevity. And in 1981, he published Enzyme Nutrition And "Eat Me Raw". These 2 books claimed that the pancreas is forced to work harder on a diet of cooked foods, and that food enzymes are just as necessary to digestion as the body's self-generated enzymes.

    In 1966, A. Hovannessian healed his sick child with raw food, and published a book called "Raw Eating" in Iran.

    In the late 1960s, Viktoras Kulvinskas & Ann Wigmore discovered powerful healing great things about a raw diet. They opened The Hippocrates Institute (which incidentally, is still very active today and managed by Dr Brian & Dr Maria Clement). The Institute has been curing sick people with "Incurable Diseases".

    In 1975, after Viktoras published "Survival into the 21st Century", raw food began to trickle into the main stream. The Gersons Institute (based on raw food healing research by Dr Max Gerson) was create shortly in 1977. "The New Raw Energy" by Leslie Kenton in 1984 further increased exposure of the raw food diet.

    Now, around then, raw food still comprised mainly of boring salads & juices. Along came pioneer raw gourmet chef Juliano, who entered the scene with his restaurant "Raw" in LA, California. He attracted movie stars and models whom suddenly appeared to gain youthfulness & beauty without surgery, now did that grab the media's attention! And have you any idea that Demi Moore, Woody Harrelson & Alicia Silverstone are raw foodists? I wouldn't mind having that body & youthfulness, not at all! ;)

    Since that time, the raw food scene has been exploding with new raw gourmet chefs, books, institutions to teach raw gourmet cuisine, raw food classes, and also movies being made this very minute! You can observe youthful & energetic "raw gurus" springing up all over US, UK, and yes, even Asia now. Just do it & seek out it - all of them are over the place!

    So, what's my undertake Raw Vegan Foodism? Is really a 100% Raw Vegan diet the very best for health? To me it is fairly simple... I know that simply by adding more more fresh vegetables & fruits to some of my meals make sure they are healthier & more nutritious. We ought to not be promoting a Raw Vegan and even Vegan/Vegetarian Diet for everyone because honestly, nobody has a right to dictate exactly what is a perfect diet for You. Because You, are unique and you also have your personal special nutritional requirements. So long as it works for your body, eat the freshest, least adulterated & least processed foods you can get the hands on. Just pay attention to Your Body and give consideration. Instead of 100% Raw or Vegan, concentrate on 100% health! We have got enough evidence, medical advice & even government endorsements which encourage consumption of fresh fruits & vegetables on a daily basis, to know these are best for us. Period. Never mind 100% Raw or not, 100% vegan or not.... should you be like me, you will just want to obtain the most nutrients & taste out of every meal!

    24 months ago, I spent just like a prince but ate just like a pauper. Expensive dinners at restaurants, popular hawker fare, donuts, commercially sold pies, pastries & beautifully packaged junk/convenient/pasteurized food (which are also ridiculously modified for the manufacturers' profit margins). I possibly could blow a good S$3,000 just on food bills in one month. As well, I visited the clinic for colds & fevers on the common of 3-4 times a year (not bad, considering Singapore's outpatient leave of 10-30 days yearly!). The interesting thing was that I looked a decade older than me now.

    Think about now? I spend half of what I used to, and I eat like a King. I look way younger than I was 10 years ago. Don't think? Come see on your own! :)

    Make meals richer,

    Eat like Kings & Queens!

    � Copyright, 2008 Linda Loo

    Linda has always been passionate concerning the Science of Nutrition for beauty, weight-loss, energy & longevity. She is also an effective Raw Foodist, Certified Raw Food Coach and is ever so delighted to share this gift of knowledge with fellow health enthusiasts! Visit [1] for more free juicy information on how you can eat the right path to a flawless complexion, a sexy body, AND abundant energy now!