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    Its A Cool House Plants Success Story Youll Never Be Able To

    Cool House Plants That Will Brighten Up Your Room

    It's unlikely that you'll be able to cover every square inch of your house with greenery. But a few unique house plants can add a little extra flair to any room. We've gathered a few cool house plants that are sure to draw attention with their unique flowers and growth habits.

    For a sense of jungle in a small space, try a Madagascar dragon tree with wavy fronds. Majestic palms look stunning in light and bright indirect lighting.


    Philodendrons are easy to care for and provide a tropical feel to your home. They are tolerant of dry conditions and don't need much lighting. If you're looking for a plant to bring brightness to your space look into the Lemon Lime Philodendron which grows leaves that begin pinkish and then turn into an intense lime green and yellow color.

    This climbing variety may have leaves up to 2 feet long and a plastic-like patina. It is also called the Naugahyde Philodendron due to its similarity to fake leather. It can be cultivated as a cascading or upright plant.

    Horsehead Philodendron is another option. It has deep green leaves that have the appearance of a horse however with the ears up top and the nose down below. It is ideal as a climbing plant and has a post it can be affixed to. However, you can also grow it upright.

    The upright varieties of philodendron can be slower to grow and take up less room. They often have larger leaves and can be found in a variety of variegated or striped shades, including the Snake Plant, which has a ruffled leaf that looks like a slender version of the pothos plant.


    Anthurium flowers last a long time and are stunning. They are easy to care for and make a beautiful gift or centerpiece for any table. They are a symbol of friendship, love, and affection. They are also a symbol of longevity and are a popular wedding theme.

    low light houseplants requires bright light to bloom but not direct sunlight, which can dry the leaves and result in brown patches. The ideal location is a sunny window with filtering curtains. Maintain the soil evenly moist spring through fall and slightly dry in winter. The leaves turning yellow is usually a sign of water deficiency. Repot anthurium plants every two years to allow new air roots to develop.

    Anthuriums thrive indoors at temperatures of 75 F with high humidity. If the relative humidity drops to less than 50%, spray the plants with water a few times per week or make use of a humidifier.

    The 'Flamingo Flower' Hawaiian Heart' or 'Painters Palette' are a few common names for anthurium. The flowers of anthurium come in shades of pink, red, purple, white, and bi-colors such as pink/green or red/white. The "fluff on the stem" is actually a spathe. It protects the tiny flower on the spike. The spathe itself is available in a variety of shapes and colors.

    Lucky Bamboo

    Lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) is a cool house plant that can be grown in water or soil. The ones in soil should be planted at least one inch deep, whereas those in water must be kept topped up to the top of the container. The plant is a fan of bright indirect light. If you notice a brown tint on the edges of its leaves after putting it too close to windows Move it to a shadier area. low light houseplants -grown lucky bamboo is best fed every other month or so by an ineffective liquid fertilizer.

    The water used to grow lucky bamboo should be changed regularly to avoid stagnation and buildup of bacteria that could harm stems, roots and foliage. The water must be filtered or distilled, since tap water could contain chemicals that can cause harm to the plants.

    The plant is believed by some to bring prosperity and wealth. It can be placed in your living room or family room, or as a dining table centerpiece. It is believed to bring wealth and prosperity. Two bamboo stalks symbolize love. You can use this plant to promote an enjoyable marriage or happy relationship. The bamboo plant is often referred to as the feng-shui love charm.

    String Plant

    Ceropegia Woodii (also known as string of pearls) is an indoor plant that thrives under intense indirect sunlight. The plant has strange, pea-shaped foliage that gives it a unique look. It is a good option for hanging baskets or terrariums.

    The string plant is an excellent option for those who are new to houseplants because it requires only minimal maintenance. It is a good choice for those who can't keep plants outside since it is tolerant of a light frost.

    Unlike other succulents, string plants prefer dry air and high humidity. Avoid placing it near drafts coming from appliances or windows. They could cause the delicate foliage to fall.

    If you notice that your string plant is beginning to appear unbalanced with spindly vines and large gaps between leaves it's time to cut the vines. This kind of plant is prone to overwatering and should be watered only when the soil feels dry.

    Be aware that the sap of a the string of pearls could be toxic for both humans and pets. Ingestion of the sap can cause dermatitis or mild digestive symptoms. It's recommended to keep the plant out of reach of pets and children.

    Staghorn Fern

    Staghorn ferns are epiphytes that attach themselves to tree canopies in the rainforest. As such, they don't require soil to grow and can be placed on a variety of surfaces around the home. These unusual foliage plants can be used to anchor airplant collections, as accent plants, or stand alone as a striking statement piece. They appear as if they're from space or the ocean.

    In addition to their stunning appearance, staghorns ferns are non-toxic to pets and children. low light houseplants are also a great addition to any living space.

    To keep a healthy staghorn fern keep it hydrated, spray it using water that is filtered or rainwater that has been allowed to stand for a little so that the chlorine can evaporate. This is particularly important during hot and dry weather.

    Fertilize your plants every month using an diluted, balanced liquid fertilizer for your houseplants. common house plant can also increase humidity around the plant by placing it on a tray of moist pebbles or using an air humidifier. Although staghorns ferns do not tolerate drought as well as other houseplants, it is important to not overwater. Root rot can be caused by too much water. You can trim dead or dying fronds but don't remove the brown shield fronds that are important for reproduction.


    Ficus (Ficus benjamina) is one of the most popular cool house plants that bring beauty and fresh air to your home. Often seen in hanging baskets or on a trellis, they are very versatile. Silver Cloud ficus is a stunning plant that can be utilized in hanging baskets or on the tabletop. It has green leaves that have an edge of white. Burgundy rubber plant is another variation with deep-green leaves that transform into a burgundy-colored color when grown in bright light. Two other options are the fiddle leaf and weeping fig, which grow into small trees with dark green leaves that have lighter veins.

    Remember that ficus quickly outgrow their pot and household and therefore need to be regularly repotted. When repotting ficus, use a larger container and high-quality soil. Avoid overwatering ficus as it can be swollen and waterlogged, and develop brown roots. The best way to know whether your ficus requires water is to stick your finger in the soil and see if it is dry.

    It cannot withstand sudden changes in light or humidity. It is likely to shed its leaves when you move it from room to room. To prevent this from happening ensure it has a permanent location in your home in which it will get moderate to bright indirect sunlight.

    Swiss Cheese Plant

    Monstera Deliciosa, often referred to as Swiss cheese plant, is a well-known green house plant that has perforated leaves. Also known as ceriman, Mexican breadfruit or split leaf philodendron This epiphyte is indigenous to the rainforests of southern Mexico and grows best in our homes when given some extra space and a location with indirect light. A large, mature Monstera plant can produce fruit that tastes similar to the fruit mix or a mix of banana and pineapple.

    This is a climbing plant and will thrive in a pot with drainage holes or a trellis. To encourage this, loosely tie the main stem to a moss stick or a stable pole. This mimics the natural environment that it grew up in, climbing mossy trees and other structures of the jungle.

    Swiss cheese plants grow best in bright indirect light. The need for watering is not essential, but they should be kept in good condition. Water the plant if the top inch of soil appears dry. You can feed your plant with a balanced liquid fertiliser once a month using a diluted mix to boost growth. However, it is important to stop feeding your Monstera plant during winter when it is not actively growing.