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    Inspirational Stories CAN BE EXTREMELY Motivating

    The co-writer of the website, my hubby Darrel, has been involved in several, which would affect his life directly, as well as several people close to him.

    One of is own inspirational stories started from the motor vehicle accident. at age 17, as a passenger, as the driver was celebrating his last payment on his Sports Car. It was July 3rd, 1970. Unlike Darrel his cousin the Driver, have been drinking. While he was wanting to negotiate his way by way of a Group of "S" Curves at a High Rate of Speed, his cousin lost control of the sports car. The car would slide side ways 264 feet before Crashing right into a Full Sized, 1964 Buick Station Wagon on the Driver's Side.

    His cousin was killed instantly, in shock Darrel unbuckled his seat belt, and crawled to the hood of the automobile, the seat belt without doubt saved his life. They impacted the automobile at such a High Rate of Speed; Darrel's new watch was propelled off his wrist, later on. He was soon Vomiting Blood, caused by a collapsed lung, numerous internal injuries, including a ruptured spleen. That seat belt that had saved him from being ejected had also lacerated his Liver.

    The Internal Bleeding was Profuse. He was Motivated enough to remain with the automobile until a passing motorist was able to summon an ambulance. He fought off going into unconsciousness by reminding himself that Xcountry practice was in three weeks and he wished to be there.

    He was taken up to a little rural Hospital, the surgeon there was on vacation. Darrel had to be transferred to a larger Hospital, an hour away by ambulance. He was still vomiting blood, even while keeping himself conscious. A week after surgery he was told due to the use of the seat belt, and his great physical conditioning he'd be able to go back home.

    His mental attitude, and Motivational Thoughts, had helped him tremendously, during his recovery. Five years later he was playing basketball with some college friends. Then there is Additional info . The result of the injuries he received from the car crash. This time, it had been often worse. While playing he jumped up above the rim to take down a rebound. He felt a pain just below his rib cage, but thought it was a little muscle pull and continued playing.

    Four days would pass before anyone would know what had really happened physically. Darrel was experiencing pain in his abdomen and back. The first visit to the Hospital Emergency Room provided an analysis of back strain, and the flu (no x-ray taken). In the end, it had been Flu Season. He was young, athletic, 6'2" and weighted 195 lbs. He was just playing basketball. Darrel was sent home with a prescription for the Flu.

    Darrel tried to keep himself Motivated to ride out the Pain. The very next day he saw his family Doctor. He too, assured Darrel it was just the Flu. After two more days had passed, he'd see his Family Doctor again, this time he couldn't stand straight and was vomiting blood. There happened to be a Nurses strike at a healthcare facility now, so his Doctor had to go before a board before he could possibly be admitted.

    After further testing, by two specialists it had been determined the weakened area on Darrel's diaphragm had somehow pushed, twisted and torn his stomach from his esophagus when he previously jumped to obtain the rebound! All of the food that Darrel had attempted to eat for four days have been dumping into his chest cavity. His torn stomach and esophageal tissue, with no blood circulation, had become gangrenous. A massive Infection ensued.

    Post operation, Darrel would learn 85% of his stomach was removed. He had Massive Incisions. While recovering, his body was invaded by infection, excessive fevers and tubes everywhere. Lying in a bed of ice became routine in order to lower his 106 degree body temperature. He told himself he must stay inspired. Now another Surgery was had a need to remove more of his stomach and repair a leak. He was browsing for more motivation and remembered what his Xcountry Coach had once told his team,"regardless of how tired you are you always have something left". Darrel was now paging through his mind for other Inspirational Stories to motivate himself.

    He would remain upbeat! Then again another setback. He started coughing up blood from his stomach. Darrel said that was a night he'll remember, it was terrible. His Doctors needed to be called in. He could keep himself inspired enough to get out of Critical Care, and didn't have any plans ongoing back again. However now he had become influenced by the pain medication.

    He would go through withdrawals for 48 hours following the Doctors took away his medication. They were so severe; he had to be tied right down to his bed. He was finally in a position to walk along the hallway, pushing his IV Pole. I'm sure the Nurse here saw this as one of their inspirational stories. Almost 90 days had passed since his admission to the Hospital. Christmas was only two days away. He convinced his Doctors to discharge him. He went home despite the fact that he still had a chest tube.

    It was amazing how he inspired and motivated his way through those extremely tough days. Unfortunately, this brought a finish to his Baseball Career, but would steer him on a journey to eventually Motivate others. A different one of his many Inspirational Stories would happen 32 years later when that reconstructed esophagus would become Cancerous. Again he faced another Life Threatening Crisis. A standard thread between these, and other stories is the ability to Motivate Yourself during a time of crisis.

    Darrel and Mary are Two Master Motivators with many years of experience. Their new Motivational Guide could change your daily life forever. It is packed with a bunch of Award Winning Motivating Methods and Techniques. Please read excerpts from their Guide at; [1], also download some additional free ebooks.