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    How To Write An Article Without Damaging Your Health

    This is an article on article marketing, how many times perhaps you have seen it online.

    Buy this book buy that book it's totally bewildering.

    Just take a look on Google observe how many pages appear millions, and everyone letting you know they are better than their competitor.

    So how do you select a book on article marketing "I have no idea" over the years I've bought loads and you could probably pick a few sentences out of every one which are relevant.

    Don't get me wrong I'm not calling this business crooks it's just some of the information is not suitable to my needs.

    My advice to you is just take action begin to write but first off research your facts then do a bit more, then when you imagine you have all you have to do it again.

    If you cannot be bothered doing all that work you can needless to say buy some articles and rewrite them jig them around rehash them.

    But be cautious because if it doesn't appear to be original content you will not get past the beginning post, you will certainly get binned.

    You often hear people say "but I have no idea what to write about".

    It often happens all authors will let you know this happens you hit the block, don't worry it will not last forever.

    I'm not here to pick subjects for you that's not my job, but have a think.

    Have you travelled a whole lot how many articles there then, are you experiencing kids dozens of items of information to hand on.

    You might be crazy on sport reveal it.

    Do you have an unusual hobby have you bungee jumped every bridge on the globe, if you have you can be the only one, so you could write articles for years.

    Or another classic I can't write, of course it is possible to you got through school did you not.

    Did you never write an essay about history or literature granted a teacher would have told you what period of history to create about, I bet you did it it's simple use you life experiences.

    I'm going to offer you a few tips you don't need to use them develop your own however they are a starter for you.

    1. Write keep writing the more you take action the easier it becomes.

    2. I like to do it the old fashioned way I put everything down in some recoverable format first.

    3. Take notes a huge selection of notes but try to keep them in a logical order.

    4. When your pleased with your article wear it the computer, when I've got to this stage I work it to death. Sometimes I've come away and it's really a totally different article.

    5. Get someone to read the article for you personally (my wife is the worlds best critic).

    6. After she's knocked me I start again and just rewrite it , you will get there in the end.

    7. Content ensure it is have substance you need a take up a middle and an end.

    8. Use the spell checker that's what they're for.

    9. Remember you're writing an article not just a novel.

    10. Enjoy yourself the worst thing that may happen is someone will criticise you, just what exactly it's not as if it will likely be face to face.

    That's it then the finish of my tips as I said earlier develop some of your personal there is nothing occur stone do what comes easiest to you.

    I don't pretend to function as worlds best writer far from it, but I really like it I'm still learning and still getting knocked, but so be it I will keep plodding on.

    Personally I enjoy writing daft stories in what we got up to as kids, but obviously they're no best for articles. Just what exactly did I do I set myself a Blog up and I put those little tales on the website.

    If you are likely to submit your write-ups to companies do yourself a big favour browse the authors guidelines.

    I like a plank didn't and got everything rejected.

    So once you have wrote your article and got it submitted to a publisher how would you get visitors to read it.

    That's the difficult part now you do need help and you can find thousands of e-books on the net that will reply to your questions.

    Use your head try to opt for recommendations from real people when you can, and again research your facts well and you will succeed.

    A lot of people write articles to create money nice easily could but I write for the joy of it, nevertheless, you never know one of these brilliant days I might make a bob or two.

    I hope this has helped a wee bit but when i said before keep plugging away it becomes easier cheers.

    Chris Emmerson filled with aches pains and woes but sorry folks still around contrary to some folks wishes.