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    Future of Digital Marketing

    get more info and you are constantly reminded of the changes that happen every day in this industry. We have crossed six months into 2021, and in this Covid-19 crisis, digital marketers are on the constant lookout for new strategies, tactics to gain customers for their customer's products and services. As per skillfully developed, 2021 is the year once the industry removes the dead dud marketing strategies and embraces new technologies to approach customers and boost sales. This short article on "Future of Digital Marketing?" throws more light on the concepts.

    Digital Marketing down the road

    A. Shoppable Posts

    The Covid-19 pandemic has taken the never-before problems of social distancing and lockdowns in lots of parts of the globe. With customers searching of easier ways to shop, digital marketers considered the brilliant concept of Shoppable posts. So, whenever a customer browses a social media marketing platform, he/she comes across a shoppable post (product/service) with the hyperlink given in the bio. The customer finds it easy to tap and buy the product or opt for the service. For example: the Clothing brand, Anthropologie uses exactly the same strategy to attract customers. Many brands are soon to follow the cue and shoppable posts will become the future of digital marketing ways of boost marketing campaigns.

    B. Programmatic Advertising

    The marketing team finds it difficult to place advertisements on all channels that give valuable information regarding products/services frequented by the prospective audience. Programmatic advertising solves this challenge as it offers customers personalized advertisements on their favourite channels at specific places based on their interests/behaviour. Companies that make usage of programmatic advertising are - Expedia (tourism), BuildDirect (Home Improvement) and AirAsia (airlines). Programmatic advertising can be called the continuing future of Digital Marketing, since it targets the Share of Attention of customers and may make way for the very best advertising campaign. Yes, did we forget to inform you that it gives the best ROI?

    C. Interactive Content

    Digital Marketing experts are always on the toes to wthhold the loyal customers of their company, by various methods. The idea is to make customers not merely shop but also interact via polls, online quizzes, signing for gift vouchers, and more. Yes, digital marketers will face trouble creating content not only in words but also in web design. The web site as well the social media posts shouldn't only interest the prospective audience but also outsmart the competition. They also have to take care that this content matches the brand and objective of these organization.

    D. Voice Search

    There was a period when customers who opted for purchases on E-Commerce websites were above 25 years. Cut to the present, even children and teenagers have become regular customers of online shopping offers. And, they buy a product or opt for service via the Voice Search method. With IoT-enabled apartments becoming famous with households, content managers together with the digital marketing team have their hands full to make the website/product content optimized for voice-friendly requests by digital assistants for the future. Additional hints need to focus on long-tail keywords, and in addition need to have deep knowledge of the mark audience.

    E. Influencer Marketing

    The concept of Influencer Marketing isn't new, as celebrities endorsed products/services in radio and television because the 1940s. However, the name "influencer marketing" stands apart. An individual with an enormous following in social media platforms (for instance, Instagram) is approached by brands to market products. But there are challenges, as the general public has become alert to the multinational corporations signing these influencers for large pay checks. So, there is corporate distrust, and the mark audience makes a decision based on the influencer's credibility. This concept will stay grounded and can play a vital role in the digital marketing field.


    True, there are other technologies that play a prominent role in digital marketing such as Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Chatbots and more, but we have focused on only another four in the following paragraphs. Digital marketers in the years to come must successfully include the emerging technologies within their strategies. This is never to only reach the prospective audience with precision, but additionally outsmart the competitors.

    This article throws light on the continuing future of digital marketing; there are some trends that have newly appeared; such as for example shoppable posts, programmatic advertising etc. Marketing strategies, as always, changes in the future and one always must remain updated.