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    A Man Could Be Lucky One Thousand Times But One Thoughtless Act May Ruin Him


    This one word is the most liked word in English for Kumar.

    He was a lucky man from birth onwards. His paternal uncle who died on the day he was created, left all his assets to him. Thus, a kid born to penniless parents could get a sizeable wealth overnight. In education also he always stood first not due to hard work, but due to sheer luck. (The questions will be just from the little portion, he prepared for the examination). He got an excellent job, that of a manager in a multinational company at age twenty in his first interview itself.

    No doubt he was a handsome person. Added along with his own luck, ladies were just behind him. But he wanted a pristine pure lady and after a long search got married to Lakshmi. He was utterly disappointed he was not so lucky for the reason that aspect. She had not been today's girl modern, in his opinion. No doubt she was beautiful, but not at all gorgeous he expected from his wife.

    Secondly, she was not convent educated. She had studied only up to tenth standard in an area school.

    Barring the initial week after their marriage, he did not show interest in having sex with her.

    Lakshmi did not understand the explanation for his attitude towards her. However she reconciled to the situation stating that "even though the husband is a stone he could be the boss and grass leaf he could be the God" which is the common attitude of domestic ladies of South India.

    Kumar was waiting in New Delhi airport for the return flight to Mumbai. Unfortunately. His ticket had not been confirmed. He just fired his travel agent who booked an initial class air-conditioned train ticket and they rushed to the railway station.

    The train was going to start and he just pushed in. He was accosted to his seat by the conductor with all respect.

    The train started picking right up speed when he removed his coat and had a glance of the cabin.

    My God! It seemed that all the best started smiling at him once again.

    It was a coupe and the other occupant was a 'blonde bonanza'. She extended a welcome smile at him and he started flying in air.

    "Hello, I am Hema" she extended her hand and in exchange Kumar introduced himself and caught your hands on the hand.

    For just quarter-hour they were chit chatting and Kumar told "Pardon me, madam." So saying, he opened his briefcase. He found high grade scotch bottle and two glass cups. He extended someone to her and without hesitation she took it.

    The drink removed all the hesitation. He hugged her with full force and she never objected to any move he made.

    That night he realised the meaning of paradise. He got what all he missed along with his wife Lakshmi.

    Next day when they parted with one another "Hema, please leave your address to me"

    "Sorry Sir, It is one time affair. Let me join my husband"

    In Mumbai C.S.T station her husband was waiting to get her. Kumar was shocked to see him. My God, absolutely no comparison!

    He was unable to forget her company even with he reached office.

    There was another surprise for him waiting.

    His boss Mr Sundar, M.D of the company called him inside. When he entered he was taken by surprise to visit a very beautiful dame near him.

    "Welcome Kumar. Please take your seat." He then told, "Meet my daughter Mala. She's just returned from U.S. Shortly she will be taking over the corporation". Then, he turned towards his daughter and told. "Mala, Kumar will expose you to all the nuances of this business. He knows all of the intricacies"

    "Whether I show all the ins and outs of business, I'll show the ins and outs of human sex" Kumar was planning how to conquer her.

    He thought it was not a very hard thing for him. They found large amount of privacy while visiting various places of Mumbai. They drank and danced together. They even had long kisses. But also for full sex she didn't oblige.

    "Mr Kumar. I understand that you will be already married. If you don't give me the legal status of wife I am going to not allow to have sex with me".

    Kumar was ready even to murder his wife Lakshmi. But he had to do it in a very sophisticated way that nobody should suspect him. He was looking forward to the opportunity.

    His luck opened another totally new area of opportunity for him. He was asked to visit New York for two years to work with their promoters. According to their company rules only married people are eligible for such assignments. The company would look after all their needs. They were instructed to provide the medical reports and retain in readiness to start.

    Scenes moved fast. Kumar postponed his plans for murdering his wife. Their medical examination was over in weekly and he was waiting for the report. Doctor's P.A informed him that it might take ten minutes and he was asked to hold back in the lounge.

    The lounge seat was very comfortable and he settled onto it. Within minutes, the reports were ready and a junior doctor brought it to him. "I am sorry Mr Kumar, your lady can not accompany you"

    Kumar was struggling to believe his ears. "What! Am I going alone?" His heart was jumping with joy. But having an artificial concern he asked, "What's the reason Sir?"

    "Sorry sir, She actually is infected with bone tuberculosis, a rare disease. She's to take immediate treatment"

    "My God, My luck has started working" he was happy inwardly. His mind started to calculate immediately. "The slow poisoning had its own effect. Let her die here itself. Somehow or other I will head to States. Once she dies, let me marry Mala without worrying about others". Virtually he was flying in air.

    "Mr Kumar" a nurse shook him to wake up. My God! It was just a dream in his half sleep.

    "Mr Kumar, the senior doctor wishes to meet you".

    "Mr Kumar, please take your seat", the senior offered him a seat and then continued, "Mr Kumar I'm very sorry to say this"

    Kumar was anticipating what would follow. His luck is patronising him again.

    "Kumar, you could not head to U.S. I'm very sorry concerning this. But it is a fact."

    "Why Sir?" Kumar was shocked.

    "I am sorry that YOU are infected HIV positive. According to company rules, you can't continue within their service also due to your HIV infected status"

    Kumar was visibly shocked. Following a long pause, he asked, "Sir, can't you avoid reporting this to them and help me in retaining the job?"

    "I'm sorry Kumar, I am paid heavily by the business for this work, I am their staff and not yours. I must report my findings. I'm sorry, you can now go"

    Kumar got up totally dejected. Even at that pitiable stage, the devil in him asked the question, "Sir, my wife?"

    "She is perfectly O.K. Though she is your wife, she is not infected with HIV."

    Yes. Kumar didn't have sexual intercourse with her going back several years. "How did I obtain it?" Kumar was confused.

    Suddenly the flash came. The train lady, with whom he previously sex happily in the train. That has been the reason for infection.

    "Sir, Sorry to disturb you. CAN I ask a few pre-determined questions?"

    Yes, but be brief"

    " Sir I was cheated by a very beautiful girl. Could this type of beautiful girl have HIV?"

    "Why not? HIV will not have any external symptoms. I can show hundreds of people who find themselves positive but appear very handsome and healthy. I want not search anywhere, You are a handsome man, but now you're HIV affected."

    "Sir", Kumar was about to cry. "Sir, Have I lost everything?"

    "I won't say you lost anything. You should be mindful that no opportunistic infection like T.B reach you. For that you should reside in a clean atmosphere, breath oxygen and inhale healthy food. It is best you admit yourself in an excellent Ashram and begin taking treatment in the above fashion. There are numerous such Ashrams conducted by AIDS specialists"

    "Sir, finally only 1 question. Think about sex activities?"

    "Definitely, you might have sex either together with your wife or others. But one condition, you should never have un-protected sex. You need to protect with an excellent condom. Don't have sex with unknown people. They may have HIV infection. Usage of condom alone will avoid spread of the virus. Also you shouldn't take to intoxicating drinks, that may induce to sin."

    Kumar came out in a totally upset mood.

    LUCK won't favour always. Even a single slip may end in disaster.

    Kumar did not desire to obey any of the advice distributed by his physician.

    His body was found ashore in marina beach a week later.

    The company was gracious enough to give employment to his wife Lakshmi.

    After 2 yrs she got married to a colleague and inside a year, she had a child boy.

    The baby was named KUMAR, in memory of the indegent man whose dreams were shattered by sheer misfortune, this time.

    Dr Sathyanarayanan Bhimarao is a multi-faceted personality. He could be M.Sc (Physics) from Annamalai University. He got Ph.D is psychological counselling in HIV/AIDS. He could be a writer from the very young age. He has written several articles, short stories and plays that have been published in popular magazines. He could be a writer in the subjects of Philosophy and science. He could be the founder of Holistic Philosophy Society and is conducting several seminars on Physics and Philosophy. He is publishing a Tamil and an English magazines with several features like short stories, plays and articles.