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    Marketing With My Space An Interview

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    Matthew Sherborne started marketing on the internet in 1998 with his first website specialized in his commercial diving business. Matthew accumulated real-life knowledge of using low-cost advertising techniques and continually sought out new and innovative marketing techniques. Through all of his research searching for an ideal system of promotion, he's discovered the most successful method is definitely person to person advertising. With that knowledge he's been an enthusiastic supporter of searching and utilizing viral marketing techniques.

    Since selling his diving service business in 2002 he's traveled from San Diego to Hawaii and finally to the SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA Bay area. Working a number of labor intensive jobs, above and below ground and water, he decided in early 2005 to put completely of his effort into internet marketing.

    After that he's focused exclusively on the most effective low-cost marketing techniques to boost his online business. He now offers the very same techniques that's made him successful and yielded incredible results. Matthew includes a passion for marketing and it shows as he shares today's most radically effective promotional techniques.

    Matthew will need you behind the scenes to show you just how he makes his lucrative income and how he markets his own business online. Along with his "nothing held back" philosophy you will probably get all of the inside secrets and sales boosting tactics to utilize on your individual online business.

    Question: I read your ebook, "MySpace Cash Machine", in fact it is excellent. How did you get started marketing on My Space, and how did you discover all of the approaches for marketing on My Space?

    Answer: I got started marketing on My Space quite by accident in late 2005, actually if not for a musician friend of mine, I'd have missed it entirely.

    He sent me to his My Space profile and explained how he was receiving some very nice contact with his website from linking there. I'd heard in the media that My Space was literally exploding in popularity and that has been enough for me personally to take the chance seriously enough to find out more. I discovered not only was My Space fast becoming the most popular website, it held the potential to attain millions of people for free.

    After some research I found that the most commented on and popular profiles were those that focused on one subject and did so enthusiastically. I QUICKLY carefully studied what others were doing on the My Space profiles in regards to sending bulletins, comments and setting up profiles. My ultimate goal was to uncover exactly how they were making money.

    Then i replicated the successful money-making techniques by fine tuning my profile and website offer. By targeting one specific high-paying niche, it maximized results and brought more money. I then looked for other high interest topics in my Space and started tinkering with a range of niche topics with different themed profiles designed to funnel visitors to websites exactly suitable for their wants.

    Question: Why do you consider My Space is this effective spot to market your organization? Why would you recommend My Space?

    Answer: To begin with, My Space currently has more than an 80 percent market share over all social networking websites. This accounts for a total number of profiles in excess of 100 million and My Space happens to be ranked the 5th most visited website on earth. As you can imagine the sheer amount of people on My Space helps it be an extremely attractive spot to find hungry customers.

    Coupled with the truth that My Space permits you to customize your personal webpage with HTML code and CSS to provide it any kind of look you need and link to outside sources is irresistible. Imagine the potential of having a favorite profile centered around a lucrative keyword and linking it to your own AdSense monetized website or sales page.

    Once you've got a popular profile it becomes an incredible opportunity just looking forward to you to plug directly into it. By using groups, forums, messages, events, comments, blogs, videos and classified advertising you have a multitude of methods to reach people interested in your products and turn them into your customers.

    You need to use My Space to get targeted customers for virtually any product you will need to offer and you may grow your opt-in lists to continue the selling process. The best part is, you need to use My Space to tap in to the most powerful kind of marketing ever known, word of mouth.

    Question: What marketing technique do you find to function as most effective, and how will you use it? Would you tell us one or two of one's best marketing tips?

    Answer: As a marketer, the most important key to remember is that your My Space profile is established to attract viewers to your website. To do this, you need to determine the most remarkable facet of your product and turn that into your personal persuasive story. Your whole profile must reflect your specific story and be structured so that it not only attracts your target audience but compels them for more information.

    Your My Space picture is frequently the first thing that folks see; be sure you have one that sticks out. The very best pictures stir up an emotion in its viewer. A good rule of thumb would be to select pictures that are relevant to your product and audience. The best strategy is by using a movable gif that is clearly a little larger than the average and captures the viewer's attention.

    You'll want to spending some time selecting a strong headline for your profile since it can look close to your picture. It will also be visible from comments you leave on other profiles and on the My Space search function. It is important that you use proper search engine optimization techniques in your headline and throughout your profile's content. The headline should reflect your current strategy with important keywords.

    Leveraging the efforts of many is key to creating a profitable My Space marketing business. One of the better methods to market your offer on My Space after you've established your profile is through the use of groups. You have the opportunity to start a group on just about any topic you want. When you begin an organization you have control over who can join and its own content. To really get your group started send a bulletin to everyone on your friends list. Once you've got a loyal following to your group, people will gladly share the information with others.

    In order to send viewers to a specific offer, sending bulletins to your My Space profile's friends list are certain to get you instant results. You should use bulletins to provide something of perceived value to gain the acceptance of friends and also have them become outspoken advocates for the product.

    Commenting on popular profiles will get people coming to look you over. People on My Space love to share things with one another. If you have a unique video, funny picture or contest, you can post it on popular profiles and really spread your message. After the word is out, its potential to spread is limitless.

    Question: What trends can you see in marketing on My Space? What can you see in the future of My Space?

    Answer: My Space is continuing to grow so fast due in large part to its success facilitating direct individual to individual interaction. Whether it's sharing pictures, videos or content, folks are moving away from disruptive media sources and embracing the ones that involve user generated content. You can expect to see more consumer created media commence to appear on profiles and anticipate more people willing to share it.

    Soon people will not only research a specific product, but go to My Space to learn concerning the product's creator. Building relationships and connecting with others of like mind is what My Space is about . For savvy marketers, this means allowing the consumer to feel like they have a direct connection with you.

    Marketers who expose others to non interruptive sources of information will have the best success, as quality content becomes the accepted norm. Competition will intensify among traditional advertisers as the ad dollars allocated to internet sites approaches the billions. With its massive success My Space will branch out to being viewed via mobile phones and expand to other countries like China and Japan.

    Most importantly, successful online marketing will transform to become continually viral. Instead of buying a product predicated on brand alone, consumers will look for and follow the recommendations of others. Marketers who have framed their message to be extraordinary will benefit from having it shared and heard worldwide.

    Question: What projects do you think you're working on, and where can you plan to take your organization from here?

    Answer: My future is targeted primarily on helping other small enterprises strategically place themselves within their market to stick out on the list of corporations without spending a lot of money. The objective is to build resources that bridge the gap between consumers and marketers and generate customers who become outspoken supporters.

    I plan on taking my business forward by concentrating on the very best new forms of media. You'll hear a whole lot more of me as I venture into online video, audio products and viral promotions. My business plan incorporates a series of interconnected products all pursuing the goal of pushing the marketing boundaries to new limits.

    Jinger Jarrett may be the author of the book, "Internet Marketing for Free: The GUIDE (on Amazon). Get your free ebook download at Ask Jinger Now [1] Matthew Sherborne may be the writer of the ebook, My Space Cash Machine [2]