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    Be Your OWN Publicist

    Revision as of 16:16, 2 May 2023 by (talk) (Created page with "When marketing ensure it is simple. Ensure it is memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read. -Leo Burnett, advertising legend<br /><br />I saw the PR person r...")
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    When marketing ensure it is simple. Ensure it is memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read. -Leo Burnett, advertising legend

    I saw the PR person rise up out of many people throughout a recent national Talk Show host contest. Individuals were tooting their "OWN" horn and getting eyeballs to their video audition. And racking in votes! I saw one contestant with an increase of than three million votes. That's a lot of exposure!

    Some took it a little further and leveraged their audition to obtain media coverage. They wrote a news release, called their local news station or local newspaper - and BAM - they got a media hit. Not front page story, but some traditional media exposure nonetheless.

    That which was their "hook" that resulted in the media interest? Basic "local guy/girl goes for the big style." People love to cheer for the underdog and so are always fans of folks from their hometown.

    It had been cute human interest story - nice video and sound bite. Great plug for the national show (the station was a local affiliate.)

    Hey, whether they win or lose, they got folks buzzing about them. They got their "15 minutes of fame." And it station got folks tuning in watching the new national Television show which led into their early evening news program. Public Relations (PR) is great if it is a win-win for everybody!

    Which is what folks want, right? Publicity is about amplifying your message to the masses - typically through radio, TV or print. But in today's digital world, by upping your online presence through social media marketing you can be your own publicist. You might have another "viral" video sensation by having your YouTube video viewed by millions.

    And you also know happens if you are a high video on YouTube? You hit the radar of the media. CNN regularly features the most notable YouTube videos on the program - and print reporters search the net searching for what's hot. So is it possible to be found? Are you ready for Oprah?

    Here's a few ideas to get your PR Mojo Moving:

    1. Have a good brand. Make sure your stuff is tight and right. From your logo, to your tagline, to your site URL, to your professional email (no Gmail, AOL or Yahoo, please!), to your email signature, to your photo along with other graphics. Have everything matching - and make certain nothing is random.

    2. Position yourself as an expert. One of many quickest ways to get this done is to write a book. In case you don't become a best-selling author, you would have instant credibility. Write columns for local newspapers or magazines in your niche. Do your personal seminars. Host a meeting where you give out awards to leaders in your field. Have a great deal of testimonials on your own website. Be seen at the right conferences talking/connecting with the proper people. Capture that on video or in photos. Post on your website and social media sites. There is nothing random, in PR, every move is strategic and deliberate.

    3. Craft and distribute news releases regularly. Just ensure that are newsworthy. Submit them online to the free (or inexpensive) press release distribution services like PR Web, BlackPR, ChristianPR Group or prnewswire. Make sure you have a great press kit and/or news room on your website.

    4. Get to know the media. Understand different media outlets. Sign up to services like PitchRate, HARO or ReporterConnect to obtain regular emails from media folks looking for sources for stories they're working on. Here is the best way for a "newbie" to land in the Wall Street Journal or Good House Keeping.

    By using PR effectively you can accelerate your sales and quickly cause you to a household name. The first step is the most important - making sure your "BRAND ready" and your brand delivers on its promise. That is the bottom line.

    Ministry marketing pioneer, Award-winning social media marketing strategist and PR Coach Pam Perry helps authors and speakers garner publicity and leverage online strategies. As a 20-year PR veteran, she is also the co-author of "Synergy Energy: How to Utilize the Power of Partnerships to Market Your Book, Grow YOUR ORGANIZATION and Brand Your Ministry." Head to http://www.PamPerryPR.com and get more free tips. She offers help through her private mentorship program at