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    The 5 Deadly Mistakes Regularly MADE OUT OF Viral EBooks

    Revision as of 01:49, 29 April 2023 by (talk) (Created page with "I've made 'em all.<br /><br />You don't need to.<br /><br />Don't do this...<br /><br />1. Never use any link inside the content that you can't control.<br /><br />I learned t...")
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    I've made 'em all.

    You don't need to.

    Don't do this...

    1. Never use any link inside the content that you can't control.

    I learned the hard way that you ought to always use redirect links from your domain when putting almost any link within your ebook.

    For example: most people insert their affiliate link for an affiliate offer inside the ebook they have put together. The one that was given in their mind by the affiliate program owner.

    Instead, you wish to link to a full page at your site that refreshes and redirects the visitor to your assigned affiliate link. Something similar to this... [1].

    This is important in order to CHANGE the hyperlink anytime you wish to in the future.

    For example: EASILY decided to no more use Clickbank to take care of my affiliate program and went with another affiliate tracking link, what happens to the a large number of copies of one's viral eBook that are set up with that old affiliate link within?

    They become obsolete, unusable and unprofitable.

    Or, suppose you are linking to a dating service that is out of business? What now?

    Your links are toast. They are worthless to you.

    With a redirect link it is simple to adjust the mark page and send the traffic to a new dating service, or to a page at your website.

    With a redirect link the changes are created at YOUR SITE, that you stay in control of regardless of what happens with the products and services that you linked to.

    In case you change hosts or servers, you still stay in control.

    You don't need to make changes to all or any of those eBooks -- which would be impossible to do. You simply make a 2 minute change at your website.

    I can't tell you just how many dead links come in a few of my earlier ebooks that continue to give me headaches as people email me saying, "You've got a dead link here ... can you give the correct link?"

    It creates plenty of extra work in answering emails and certainly is throwing away potential profit for the countless people who never bother to ask for an updated link.

    So, never use any link inside the content that you can't control.

    Always utilize redirect links.

    2. read more is you want to stay away from dated information by giving too specific details.

    Affiliate program A might not be offering that free 30 day trial offer very much longer.

    The price for admission to that special site may not continually be $29.95.

    That site that has been "just released last week" may have become an all-time classic by the time Bob reads your viral ebook 2 yrs after it had been released.

    You want to make sure you avoid information that's too specific that can easily become irrelevant.

    Again, I get emails all the time griping about inconsistent prices because I put a price for the gains Vault membership into one of my early viral ebooks and that price is no longer valid.

    Hasn't been for a couple years.

    I've even gotten ugly emails accusing me of fraud and false advertising, with threats to turn me into the attorney general and all kinds of nonsense.

    So, be careful that you don't date your viral ebook if you can avoid it.

    3. Another no-no is to never put any information into your ebook you don't want worldwide.

    These exact things travel folks and they can be global in just a matter of days and certainly as time passes you can actually have a worldwide audience.

    I made the mistake of putting my cell phone number in another of my earlier ebooks because everyone claimed that if I didn't have my contact information within, no one would buy from me... which is nonsense I might add.

    Anyway, I started getting an array of calls at all hours of your day.

    What was 3:00 in the afternoon in the Philippines was 3:00 in the morning where I live.

    So, it was a nuisance.

    Sort of a funny story came out of it.

    I disconnected that number, of course, and got a new one. That has been almost 24 months ago.

    Well, in regards to a month roughly ago I had a female email me and she was hopping mad.

    Apparently, she had ordered a mobile phone and got my old number... and folks were still calling!

    She told me that she was getting calls from England and all over looking for me plus they were running her cellular bill up with charges.

    She wanted me to do something about it and all I possibly could do was tell her "I'm sorry, there's nothing I could do."

    With viral marketing, it's pretty much unstoppable, which explains why it is so effective. It keeps spreading and it's hard to avoid the growth once it gets going.

    So, never put anything into your ebook you do not want the world to know and use.

    4. One more thing is this ... always have your carriers do the branding.

    You would like to automate the process as much as possible. Again, I learned the hard way. In early stages, before there were these branding tools available, I hand customized each ebook.

    And as they started to spread, the customization requests grew to be way too much for me personally to handle. I was spending the majority of my day putting together these customized viral ebooks for every new person who requested a copy.

    That had to improve and so now I use branding tools and branding instructions. I provide them with to anyone who would like to customize the ebook and I let THEM do the task.

    Keeps me out from the loop completely.

    So, unless you involve some specific reason to do it yourself, place that responsibility onto the ones who want to distribute the viral ebooks.

    5. One more thing I would like to share. Always launch new browser windows with your links in your ebooks.

    Whenever you connect to a site inside your viral eBook content, remember to code that connect to launch a fresh browser window when the reader clicks onto it.

    I learned this the hard way.

    There are many scripts involved in the order-taking process at online credit card processing sites.

    And many of those have caused glitches in the eBook as a result of software the eBook was made with and it crashes the eBook, rendering it impossible to order.

    So, what happens is this.

    You do your task well.

    The content is great.

    There is a hungry customer waiting to get.

    They click on a recommended product link.

    They arrive at the website still inside your eBook window.

    They go through the order link and the entire thing shuts down.

    After all completely shuts down the ebook and website altogether. And, sometimes, it even crashes the computer. You just lost a customer because two sets of code didn't like one another.

    That has happened to me on MANY different occasions in a few of my early ebooks.

    Now, most of my links launch new browser windows OUTSIDE of the ebook if you select a link in the ebook. get more info need to accomplish is insert a straightforward type of code into your links in the eBook. The code looks like this...

    Target="Resource Window"

    Now when someone clicks on your link, a fresh browser window will launch outside of the eBook itself before taking them to the web site. Now, you're safe. EVERY link in your eBook should have this code. It is possible to thank me later.

    Viral eBooks are tremendous tools. But, there are also read more connected with them. I've just shared five of the mistakes that I have made. There is just no way of measuring just how much profit I have lost over the years because of those errors.

    There wasn't a manual open to tell me how to do it. History hadn't really been recorded in those days to tell me what things to avoid and what to be sure I did in order to protect myself from problems.

    So, you're getting something that I didn't have. Aren't ya happy? In every seriousness, don't make the mistakes that I made. History doesn't have to repeat itself on this one.

    I wish you much success online and in all of your life. Go, and do well.

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