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    Whats Holding Back The Easy Houseplants Industry

    Easy Houseplants That Don't Require a Green Thumb

    Looking to add a touch of green to your home? Take a look at these easy houseplants that do not require a green thumb.

    They require nothing more than a spot of indirect light that is bright as well as a clean of the leaves every few months, and a little of iron fertilizer.

    Ponytail Palm

    The ponytail palms have a distinctive design and look stunning in many designs for interiors. They are easy to maintain and can flourish with minimal neglect as long as you don't overwater them. This slow-growing plant is a great option for new plant owners.

    Pony tail palms are tropical-looking plant that thrives in bright indirect light. They are also drought-tolerant and appreciate warm temperatures. They can be kept in their nursery containers, but should be transplanted into an open-topped pot, since this improves air circulation and reduces the risk of root rot.

    This low-maintenance houseplant is nontoxic to dogs, cats, and horses, making it a perfect choice for households with pets or children. It is also an effective natural deterrent for dust mites and other insects. However, it is susceptible to diseases such as leaf streaks and bacterial spots, which are often exacerbated by high humidity.

    This slow-growing plant needs little fertilization however it can be fed monthly in summer and spring with a balanced water-soluble plant food, at half the recommended dose on the label. Occasionally, the plant develops offsets ("pups") near the base that can be removed and planted in a separate area to help propagate the ponytail palm tree. Despite its name, this plant rarely flowers indoors, making it difficult to produce viable seeds. In winter, brown leaf tips are quite common and need to be cut back to keep the appearance healthy.


    The schefflera (pronounced shuffler-uh) is one of the most easy houseplants to take care of. This tropical plant is called the umbrella-shaped tree. It has green, splayed umbrella-shaped leaves. The plants are able to thrive in ideal conditions and can be cut to fit your space. They also purify the air, making them one of the most sought-after indoor tropical plants.

    Schefflera, just like other tropical plants, requires bright indirect light to thrive. They can tolerate direct sunlight for a short period of time but exposure to too much light can cause the foliage to burn. If you don't have enough light in your home, you can include a high-output light. Alternatively, you can move your schefflera to a window that receives the sun's rays in the morning or late afternoon but filters the light by using curtains.

    It is best to water a schefflera when the soil surface is dry. Overwatering a schefflera could result in root rot. If you notice yellow or drooping leaves, this could be a sign that you have the insufficient amount of water.

    If tall house plants 'd like to add Scheffleras to the collection, you can take 6-inch stem cuttings from existing plants during the summer. Place the cuttings between 1 and 2 inches deep in a container containing Miracle-Gro Indoor Potting Mix. Then, provide the same basic care to encourage new growth.

    Chinese Evergreen

    Aglaonema is an indoor plant that can be found in nearly any indoor climate. Aglaonema, in contrast to philodendrons and peace lilies, which require bright light to grow it can be grown in low-light and medium-light conditions. It does well under fluorescent lighting. Aglaonema is slow-growing and will begin small enough to be able to be placed on desks and tabletops, but it will eventually become a floor plant.

    best houseplants comes in a range of patterns and colors, so you can pick one that complements your decor. Aglaonema "Lucky Red" has leaves that are green and hot-pink variations, while 'Siam's Aurora' has dark green leaves that are highlighted by pink veins.

    Aglaonema plants generally prefer low to medium light levels, but they can be tolerant of brighter indoor lighting, although the more colorful and variegated varieties may need some more brightness. Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight as the harsh sunlight will burn their delicate leaves. If you're growing an Aglaonema in a workplace that receives plenty of natural sunlight, cover the window with a sheer curtain to block out harsh sunlight.

    As with other no-fuss tropical plant, Aglaonema thrives in warm weather however it isn't able to handle extreme cold drafts. It is recommended to water aglaonema on a frequent basis but be careful not to overwater it. Stick your finger into the soil to determine when to water. If it appears dry, it is time to add more water.


    Calathea, also known as Goeppertia or Pinstripe, is a tropical foliage plant that is easy to cultivate indoors. It is native to dense rainforests and forests that are surrounded by trees in shady places. This makes it tolerant to bright indirect indoor light. good house plants is essential that it doesn't get direct sunlight since it could cause burns to the leaves and cause the markings fade. To prevent this from happening, you can move it or cover a window sill with a sheer curtain to shield it from direct sun.

    Calatheas like temperatures that range from 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit and thrive in humid environments. They prefer sunlight that is filtered, as they are accustomed to short dapples of sunshine rather than constant sun. It is for this reason that windows facing west or south could be ideal, but it should be shaded to block direct sunlight.

    Calatheas can thrive in their ideal environment with just a basic watering schedule. It is recommended to water it on a regular basis however, it isn't essential to keep the soil constantly wet. Instead, a great method to determine the right time to water is to stick your finger into the soil. If it appears dry, it is time to be watered. Additionally, a diluted fertilizer should be applied in the spring and summer.


    The trailing foliage of Pothos, also known as Epipremnum aureum This tropical houseplant is one of the easiest to maintain. It is a very popular option for hanging baskets and macrame planters. It can be trained to climb up a trellis or climb up the wall. This fast-growing vine can withstand a wide range of conditions. potted house plants is an ideal choice for both novices and experienced indoor gardeners.

    Pothos leaves are available in a variety designs and colors. The most well-known cultivars are "Golden Pothos," with its yellow and green variegation, 'Neon,' with its bright, chartreuse-colored leaves, and 'Marble Queen, which is stunningly marbled with white. The Pothos plant is easy to propagate from stem cuttings, which can be grown in water or soil. To root the stem tip, cut a 4-6-inch length of a healthy looking stem with some leaves tucked away just below a leaf node (the spot on the stem where roots begin to form). Place the cutting in a glass that is filled with water or moistened vermiculite/perlite. Within a few weeks, roots should begin to emerge. Plant the rooted cutting in a small container of potting soil.

    Pothos plants can tolerate low light conditions, but they prefer bright indirect light. It is important to water when the potting mix is dry. Feed it with a liquid fertilizer for houseplants once every six to eight weeks. Avoid cold drafts since they can cause damage to the leaves and slow the growth. If your Pothos plants are pot-bound, you can take out the old soil and repot them into new soil.


    Peperomia plants are an excellent choice for those who are new to gardening because they perform well with almost no maintenance, and it's easy to grow as an indoor plant. They are natives of South America, and they like shaded areas. However they don't require direct sunlight. They also prefer warm temperatures.

    Peperomia is available in various colors and shapes. Certain varieties come with intriguing variations. Peperomia argyreia is sometimes called the watermelon peperomia because of its leaves that look similar to the rind of a watermelon. Other popular types include P. polybotrya, which has large, drop-shaped leaves. Then there's P. caperata, which has leaves with a deep quilted design that are crinkly.

    Based on the type, Peperomias can be propagated by stem cuttings or leaf-petiole cuttings. If propagating with cuttings it is recommended to use sharp, clean scissors and choose mature plants that do not have flowers or buds. Cut a stem off the plant by cutting it from the three lowest 3 4-4 of leaves. take out any leaves that are below the leaf node that is the lowest.

    Plant peperomias in fertile potting soil, or a mixture that is nutrient-rich. Peperomias don't require fertilizer, however a light dose of fertilizer along the plant's edges can be beneficial at least once each month. Overwatering can cause peperomias to become leggy. A good rule of thumb is to let the soil dry completely before watering again.