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    The 6 Essential Steps to Implementing Any New Idea FOR THE Business

    Ever read a thought provoking book or attended a motivational seminar or marketing meeting, excited to return back to work with a great deal of new ideas that you know will have a tremendous impact on the near future growth of your business?

    The problem is a few months later none of those ideas that you knew would make you more money and grow your company have been implemented or were even tried, deemed failing by your staff, abandoned and quickly forgotten.

    Was it the theory that failed, or was it you that failed the theory because the owner and leader of your company?

    This past week I was a guest at the Tony Robbins 4 Day "Business Mastery" Conference in Las Vegas. The conference featured Tony Robbins and included Chet Holmes (who wrote The Ultimate Sales Machine and a number of other dynamic motivational, marketing, sales and operations related speakers, who captivated the the hall for four amazing days.

    If they were the CEO of a big corporation, a dentist, small business operator, restaurant owner, large financial company, or solopreneur seeking to turn an idea into a new venture, everyone I spoke to on breaks spilled over with energy, excitement, ideas and innovation, that they knew would impact their business once implemented upon their return home.

    The important question is, will they follow through on the return this week and begin to implement what they learned, or will they be sucked back into their day to day routine and fail to make the positive change that they know will impact their future business? Seems like a simple question, however in reality, most will do nothing without out some type of coaching or consulting help push them forward.

    A common theme that many of the speakers emphasized was that any great idea that they took away from the conference wouldn't normally succeed without six essential elements. They were:

    One Thing At the same time

    A HIGHLY EFFECTIVE Implementation Plan

    Policies and Procedures

    Proper and Consistent Training

    Unyielding Commitment


    One Thing At the same time!

    To often cnnislands,more info,here,read more,website,get more info,check here,Additional hints,Additional info, return from a conference and even read a book also it sparks a range of ideas that we want to implement immediately. We are all enthused and impose our new vision upon our company, with the best of intentions. What we end up with though is confusion, natural resistance, inconsistency and in the end no positive change.

    Step one 1 is prioritize what you want to accomplish and follow the preceding steps to handle one idea or improvement at a time. When you have planned, implemented, trained and woven this new policy or procedure in to the fabric of one's organization, then move on your next idea.

    This requires some patience that many are unwilling to simply accept, but one successfully implemented policy or procedure that brings positive change to your organization, is worth a hundred great ideas which are never effectively implemented.

    A HIGHLY EFFECTIVE Implementation Plan

    It does not matter if you are talking about a new marketing strategy, sales presentation, changes in inventory control or expanding your product or service offering. You must plan it out, discuss and utilize the talent you have on your team and create a plan that will achieve your goal, while playing to the strengths of one's organization.

    Take the time to get input and ideas from your own people because they are your greatest resource and so are critical to making any idea a profitable jump forward or a dismal failure for the company.

    Consistent Policies and Procedures

    Implementing a new online marketing strategy, product development, sales plan or operational initiative without clearly defined policies and procedures that support your time and effort is a recipe for failure. cnnislands,more info,here,read more,website,get more info,check here,Additional hints,Additional info, should detail not only the goal, but the steps necessary to achieve it. Whether that is a sales script for a fresh product, order filling procedure, the way the phone is answered or the process that every new lead travels through the organization, it all needs to be defined.

    Here again your biggest and best resource is getting your people involved in defining the most effective way to implement a plan and create the policy and procedures that will follow.

    Proper and Consistent Training

    This is a pit that many folks fall into when it comes to implementing change or even maintaining consistency within our organization as it grows. If we establish policies and procedures to steer our organization, but usually do not effectively train our people, educate new employees and re-enforce what has been taught frequently, people will turn to either what they know or what is easiest.

    Handing someone a fresh printed procedure for their policy manual isn't effective training. Effective training requires understanding, role playing and repetition. Effective training makes policy and procedures second nature and the natural response to a specific situation, whether that's sales, marketing, manufacturing, accounting or administration.

    Unyielding Commitment

    Chet Holmes calls this "Pig Headed Determination" in his book that I mentioned previously. You can not implement anything that could have a meaningful long term impact on your company, if you don't are committed and unwavering in your determination and expectations that the program will be followed.

    It is not unusual for a new sales or marketing intend to take months to bear fruit and the most common reaction of your sales force is to go back to what they know and take the path of least resistance. That's where it is advisable to remain firm, lead and hold your people accountable, that the procedures are followed and the outcomes are achieved.

    Develop and review regularly metrics and reports to track and quantify that the plan has been followed as developed, implemented and trained.


    Talking about holding people accountable. The initial person you have to make accountable for any effort to be successful is yourself and that can be the hardest part of the process for a few. If you do not have Unyielding Commitment to the plan, do not expect any one else to.

    Excuse #1 1 that a lot of use when I discuss accountability is they do not have the time to lead and manage the steps I've outlined above, however the reality is that as the owner, no-one requires them to make time and they also never do.

    Think through what you ought to do to ensure that each of these 6 steps are followed to experience real growth and success for your business.

    For some it may just mean commitment to raised personal time management to facilitate implementation of a fresh idea. For others it could mean hiring a business coach to help keep them focused, discuss strategy and help them through the procedure (even the greatest athletes have a coach). Maybe your company is to big to lead and manage the types of changes you want to implement, which might mean outsourcing the process to a consulting group, who can facilitate all or section of the process to ensure success.

    The end result is that their is not any excuse that should prevent you from driving forward to implement positive change in your organization, no matter how big is your organization, the marketplace you're in or the current state of the business economy.

    Bill Sifflard

    Bill Sifflard has thirty years experience as an entrepreneur, an executive, a executive business coach so when a business consultant.

    cnnislands,more info,here,read more,website,get more info,check here,Additional hints,Additional info, includes a long history of experience bringing innovation, efficiency and success to large and small businesses adapting to evolving markets. As a premiere Sales and Marketing Innovator, Bill is changing how business integrates traditional marketing strategy with the power and potential of the web

    To learn more about how exactly Bill and Bssential Solutions can assist you grow your business, you can travel to http://www.bssentials.com and sign up for the Bssential Solutions Free eNewsletter or follow most of his posts at [1]