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    A Glimpse Inside Lg Side By Side Fridge Freezers Secrets Of Lg Side By Side Fridge Freezer

    Side By Side Freezers Fridge

    Side-by-side fridges provide plenty of space for food storage. Some, like our top choice from Forno have counter-depth dimensions which are flush with the cabinetry for sleek, modern appearance.

    Other models include freezer storage at varying heights that can be useful for families with children or for anyone who is struggling to reach the shelves on high shelves.


    As the name suggests, side-by side refrigerators have two refrigerators and freezers on each side. They typically have a larger overall capacity than bottom-freezer or top-freezer models. They also have a slimmer length and don't typically hinder your access like single-door refrigerators. This can be useful in kitchens that are cramped.

    Side-by-side refrigerators stand taller than other refrigerators, which is why they give more space to the freezer. They typically have multiple shelves and compartments to make organizing easy, keeping often used items at eye-level in the refrigerator and long-term foods on higher, harder-to-reach shelves in the freezer. They may also contain ice and water dispensers that allow you to access your beverages without opening the door to the freezer.

    They have separate cooling systems for the freezers to ensure that food stays fresher longer. And they come with features to stop loss and spoilage, like a hydration station and air filters for reducing smells, as well as crisper drawers that absorb ethylene gas to prevent the over-ripening and rotting of vegetables and fruits.

    This kind of refrigerator comes with an issue in that it is not the same energy efficient as top freezers or bottom-freezer models. They're larger in vertical volume that needs to be chilled, which could raise your monthly utility bill. Plus, they are less effective than other models for storage of large items and might not be suitable for those who have mobility issues and are unable to bend.


    Side-by-side refrigerators feature slimmer doors that require less space to open than other refrigerators. This is why they are a great option for kitchens with limited space. Side-by-side refrigerators typically have a greater capacity than French door refrigerators, as well generally 13 to 15 cubic feet for fresh food, and 8 to 9 cubic feet for the freezer.

    They can also be an excellent choice for small condos and homes where a bigger refrigerator could reduce counter space. They aren't big enough to meet the storage requirements of many families. Even everyday utensils and larger holiday dinners may not fit. Moving shelves around is a possibility however, it can take a while and may affect the efficiency of the refrigerator.

    A side-by-side freezer's other limitation is that it gives more space to the freezer than the refrigerator. side by side fridge and freezer pair is a concern if you utilize a deep freeze frequently. There are solutions to overcome this disadvantage. Many models come with an ice maker separate from the refrigerator that allows you to have chilled drinks without using your refrigerator's cooling system.

    You can pick an appliance that is independently controlled refrigerator and freezer sections, with features such as the Preserve Food System from KitchenAid for instance, which includes an air filter that prevents odors from forming and a mechanism that is built into the crisper drawers to absorb ethylene gas to prevent the over-ripening and spoilage of your produce. It's an investment, but it's a smart choice that will help you save money and keep your food in better quality for longer.

    Energy Efficiency

    Overall, side-by-side refrigerators consume less energy than bottom freezer models. They are also less costly than French-door refrigerators, and can be less troublesome to maintain since the doors open just half as wide. You'll need to make sure that your kitchen can accommodate a water and ice dispenser. This will require a plumbing connector which can be difficult to install in smaller kitchens. Furthermore, the larger apertures of a side-by-side fridge can make it difficult to store larger items.

    Many manufacturers provide energy-saving features in their side-by-side refrigerators. They include adjustable shelving and LED lights to keep food items visible, even in the darkest corner of the freezer. Some have separate cooling systems for the freezer and fridge sections. This can help cut down on food waste as it makes it easier to find things that are popular and less likely to throw them away in case you don't remember about them or they've been spoiled.

    You can also get an appliance that comes with additional features such as door-in-door access for snacks and drinks. This does not only cut down on time but also decreases energy consumption because cold air is confined from escape from the refrigerator. You can also get a side-by-side refrigerator without extras if you're on a tight budget or if your kitchen is basic. Quincy Bulin is a writer and product expert at Lowe's which covers everything from the most recent appliances to new home improvement products and trends. She is always happy to help you find the ideal products for your house. Just ask!


    A lot of side-by-side refrigerators have water and ice dispensers that are built into the freezer. This is a great feature when you want easy access to cold drinks and snacks. It also makes it convenient to wash dishes or to clean glasses. This decreases the freezer's capacity. Make sure side by side fridge and freezer pair choose the right size fridge to fit your needs.

    As opposed to bottom freezer refrigerators side-by-side refrigerators provide more capacity of storage on the freezer side thanks to their vertical design. side by side fridge freezer under counter uk can store things you frequently use on higher shelves, and keeping longer-term frozen items lower down. The freezer comes with a variety of shelves, so you can organize it to meet your requirements.

    Modern side-by-side refrigerators feature a sleek, elegant design which enhances the appearance of your kitchen. side by side fridge freezer under counter uk result in smaller footprints and less clutter compared to other configurations of refrigerators. side by side fridge freezer integrated come with more crisp drawers, humidity control and other features that are specific to the model.

    Some side-byside fridges are Energy Star certified, meaning they will cost you less per day. If you're worried about your monthly energy bill and want to save money, they're an ideal option. However, the rigorous requirements that must be met to get this certification can increase the initial cost of a fridge with this label. This might not be a problem for certain buyers, but it's definitely worth looking into when you purchase.